How-tos for portal features
Portal Management
- White-label your portal with a custom URL
- Collection: portal setup options to discuss with your implementation consultant
- Collection: Portal setup and features
- Collection: portal branding
- Collection: bulk actions for data and learner accounts
- Portal setup: title, language, timezone and access settings
Sub-portal management
- Create and manage sub-portals
- Sub-portals: adding users to more than 1 portal
- Sub-portals: license a course
- Sub-portals: add a licensed course to the catalog
- Sub-portals: selling licensed courses
- Sub-portals: user licensing
User Management
- Dynamic rules: overview
- Users: the basic profile
- Batch user upload: overview and options explained
- Users: generate random secure passwords for batch uploads
- Custom user data: set up custom fields
- Custom user data and dynamic rules: editing options
Course Content Management
- Collection: creating and managing content in LearnUpon
- Course content types
- Courses: add an eSignature to a course
- Checklists: overview and features
- Checklists: create a checklist and add it to a course
- Checklists: assess a learner with a checklist
Live Learning and legacy Instructor-Led Training (ILTs)
- Live Learning: overview and features
- Live Learning: set up and use waitlists
- Live Learning and Instructor Led Training (ILT): overview and initial setup
- Live Learning: create and edit a learning event
- Live Learning: add an event to a course
- Live Learning: create and edit sessions
Course Settings
- Portal: set default options for access to course content
- Courses: using the course reference code
- Courses: add course description and objectives for the dashboard and catalog
- Catalog: add courses and learning paths to the internal catalog
- Courses: Additional Settings to manage learners' access to a course
- Courses: export course settings from a portal
- Email: set up SMTP to connect to a custom email server
- Email: manage bounced email sent from your portal
- Email deliverability: best practices to avoid email bounces
- Messages and email: set options for the portal
- Standard LearnUpon-generated emails: overview
- Send a message or an announcement
Library Content Management
eCommerce Store Setup
- Collection: eCommerce
- eCommerce: add your brand with color, logos, images and video
- eCommerce: make a course available for sale
- eCommerce: create and sell course bundles
- eCommerce: allow bulk purchase of courses
- eCommerce: control access to a free course with a coupon
Learning Journeys
Learning Paths
- Learning paths: create a path, add courses, set progression and publish
- Learning path settings: details, enrollment access, and credits
- Enroll individual users onto a learning path
- Enroll groups on a learning path
- Learning paths: unassign a learning path from individual users
- Learning paths: remove a learning path assignment from a group
- Reports: overview and setup
- Reports: create an advanced report
- Reports: schedule an advanced report
- Reports: advanced report types and filters reference
- Reports: run a basic learning path report
- Reports: setting filters on basic reports