Set defaults for language, timezone and access permissions
Your portal's General Settings include its name, the language for titles and labels, the timezone and how learners can access the portal.
Settings availability: all customers. Additional languages are available depending on your LearnUpon plan.
To start portal setup, from your dashboard go to Settings > My Portal > General Settings. After any change to a field, Save to finish.
The following screenshot shows General options.
Access permissions for portal general settings
- admins with full portal permissions: can acccess portal settings. Not available to admins with limited settings
Portal name
The portal name appears:
- on your login page
- in the browser tab
This name is distinct from the portal URL.
Language setting
Use the Portal Language drop-down to select a language from the list of languages currently supported. If the top-level portal has additional languages, these languages appear as options in sub-portals.
Note: Your language choice applies to the current portal only. You set the language for each sub-portal separately, unless you create the sub-portal using the copy portal settings option. See Create and manage sub-portals.
All customers see US English by default. For customers using additional languages, the following options are available on request. Contact your Customer Success Manager or the support team to add a language.
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Dutch
- UK English
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- Polish
- Russian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Japanese
- Canadian French
- Traditional Chinese
- Norwegian
- Swedish
- Danish
- Czech
- Slovak
- Portuguese
- Turkish
- Flemish
- Hungarian
- Korean
- Finnish
- Vietnamese
- Indonesian
Learners can set their own portal language. Their choice overrides the portal setting, for their account. See Your profile: the learner view.
Date format
The date format field affects the display of calendar pickers on your portal: for Live Learning sessions, for example. The screenshot shows an example of a date picker display, with dd-mm-yyyy setting in the portal.
LearnUpon portals start with a default timezone of GMT +00:00 UTC. This timezone doesn't change for daylight savings time.
If your location is close to UTC but follows daylight savings, LearnUpon recommends selecting a familiar timezone like "Dublin" or "London". During daylight savings periods, these timezone options change and your sessions appear at the correct time for learners.
Set your preferred timezone for the portal to override the LearnUpon default. The timezone appears for Live Learning sessions, and also in the internal catalog and the eCommerce site.
Learners can set a different timezone as required. Their choice overrides the portal setting for their account, so they see the same activities in their local time. See Your profile: the learner view.
For Live Learning sessions, the portal displays a timezone name. See the following screenshot of 3 sessions in different timezones.
Access settings
The following settings determine how your users can access the portal:
- Disable third-party account login services: this setting prevents users from accessing your portal with a third-party login service like Facebook, or an existing Google account
- Disable third-party account login services from within your store: this setting disables third-part login services like Facebook or an existing Google account, within the online store only
Note: 3rd party account logins are not available for white-labelled portals, aka portals with customized URLs.
See White-label your portal with a custom URL