Summary of filters for advanced reports
Review the filters available for advanced reports.
Availability: all customers
See Reports: overview and setup for background.
Access permissions for advanced reports
- Admins: full access to all reports
- Managers: can run progress reports to download immediately. Saving and scheduling progress reports is not available for managers. The learning path and Live Learning reports are not currently available to managers
Progress report filters: in detail
The menu shows courses that are in Published, Sellable, Cataloged and Archived status. It doesn't show courses in Draft status.
You can select up to 100 courses for the report, or leave the field empty to report on all courses in your portal.
Select 1 or more user groups. To report on all groups, leave the field blank.
Enrollment period
This field checks which dates the learners were enrolled, not the date they completed the course.
Select a default time period from the dropdown menu, or enter a custom date range.
Completion period
This field checks which dates the learners completed a course, not the date they were enrolled.
Select a default time period, or a custom date range.
Select 1 or more of enrollment statuses that matter to you. For detailed descriptions see Courses: enrollment statuses explained.
This condition applies to applies for all course enrollment statuses, where the course due date has passed.
For example, you can check:
- what status learners have reached on a course, if it's overdue
- if learners completed courses before or after the due date
Note: this column applies only if you set due dates either for a course, or for a learner. If you don't set due dates, the column remains blank.
- Manage course due dates and valid periods
- Enrollments: remove individual learners, and update their status on courses
User login
Report only on users who are active, or on all users who have an account.
See Disable a user account, or delete an account.
Membership type
Select users who are members, non-members or other types. This field is available only if you use Associations and memberships. See Associations and membership types: overview and setup.
Select individual learners to check on their progress.
Custom user data
If you use custom user data, you can filter your report using data values.
When you add a custom user data field as a filter, you must enter values in this field. You can't leave it blank, like the default filters. See Custom user data: set up custom fields.
Multi-portal report filters: in detail
Select as many portals within a realm as required.
Run the report on all courses, select courses from individual portals, or pick only the courses offered in more than 1 portal.
Note: Currently you can select up to 100 courses for the report, or leave the field empty to report on all courses.
Select only licensed courses
Let LearnUpon search and report on licensed courses only within your portals, leaving aside others.
Dates, statuses, and names
The remaining filters for this report are similar to those described for the progress report, including:
- Enrollment period
- Completion period
- Progress
- Overdue
- User login
- User (to select individual learners, if required)
Tip: you can run the report on learners in a single portal, or learners who access more than 1 portal.
The multi-portal report does not include portal-specific filters such as:
- Group
- Custom user data
- Membership type
Live Learning event report filters: in detail
Tip: use the advanced Live Learning report to track learner registrations on sessions. Filter the results by learners' names to see their registrations across multiple courses.
Event title
Select as many events as required, or leave blank to include all events.
Session period
Select a default period, or select Custom range, and enter a From and To date in the date pickers.
Event status
Select 1 or more statuses for the report, or leave unchecked to include all statuses.
Session attendance
Select 1 or more conditions, or leave unchecked to include all attendance conditions.
Learning path report filters, in detail
Learning path
The menu shows learning paths that are in Published, Sellable, Cataloged and Archived status. It doesn't show learning paths in Draft status.
Select 1 or more user groups. To report on all groups, leave the field blank.
Learning path enrollment period
This field checks which dates the learners were enrolled on the learning path. The report includes additional data about when learners started individual courses.
Select a default time period from the dropdown menu, or enter a custom date range.
Note: for learning paths where learners choose a course, learners must enroll in a course to appear in the report. If the learners have not yet chosen a course to start, they won't appear in the advanced report.
To view all learners on a learning path, use the basic learning path report.
Learning path completion period
This field checks which dates the learners completed a learning path, not the date they were enrolled.
Select a default time period, or a custom date range.
Statuses, individual learners, and custom user data
The remaining filters for this report are similar to those described for the progress report, including:
- Overdue
- User login
- User (to select individual learners, if required)
- Membership type, if in use
- Custom user data, if in use