Record your organization's course-level data
This information appears in reports and, optionally, in certificates.
Availability: all customers on request
Contact the support team to add course reference codes to your portal.
The course reference code field is a flexible option to store internal information associated with the course. Examples include your organization's own course codes, instructor names, course hours, internal training costs.
The course reference code field can hold multiple codes, separated by commas: for example, if a course uses more than 1 department's internal cost code. Each code turns up the course in searches.
It's an additional tool for searches and reporting for admins, managers and instructors.
Optionally, you can add the code to certificates, but otherwise learners do not see the code in courses.
Search within LearnUpon
Example 1: Courses
Use the course reference code for searching courses within a portal, from either the Smart Search bar, or the search within Courses.
From main navigation go to Courses:
- select Search, and enter text to match the start of a course name or reference code. Select Enter to start
- optionally: select Search > Advanced Search, and enter text to match any part of the course name or reference code
Example 2: Enrollments
From Enrollments use the course reference code to search for a course or group of courses.
The following screenshot shows the search results in Enrollments, for courses with the code LU.
Course reference codes and reports
If your course includes a course reference code, it appears in the exported, aka downloaded, versions of the following reports. The field isn't shown onscreen, but is part of your downloaded CSV or PDF reports for:
- Course Status report
- Course History report
- Course Sales report
See Reports: overview and setup and Run your first basic report in LearnUpon for how-tos.
Add course reference code data
After the support team enable the field, it appears after you create and save a new course. See Create a course.
For existing courses, you can add text to the field or leave it blank.
The following screenshot shows the position of Course Ref. Code as part of the course details.
Add the code to certificates
Once you add a course reference code, it becomes one of the fields available to add to a course certificate.
See Set up course certificates for complete instructions.