Move your existing exam questions and answers to LearnUpon by preparing them in CSV files.
This feature is available depending on your LearnUpon plan.
Contact your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager to discuss.
Import requirements and limits
LearnUpon uses an import script to move your content smoothly to Question Pools.
After you move your exam questions, you can edit them from LearnUpon. See Exams: create and edit a question pool.
Within LearnUpon, you can download question pools as CSV files. See Exams: download a question pool.
The import script has some limits:
- your CSV files must follow the data file format specification
- your CSV files must include a matching Feedback column for every answer column to prevent errors during import. You can leave the fields blank, but need the column header
- you can import 3 types of question formats:
- True/False
- Pick One
- Multiple Correct
See Exams: question types overview for more info about question formats available.
Data file format specification
Column name | Type | Description |
Question pool | string |
Indicates the name of the Question Pool that the question belongs to. LearnUpon creates the question pool in your portal if it does not already exist. The question is added to this pool. If more than one pool with this title is found in your portal, then the import script skips the question and logs an error for review. |
Question text | string |
The actual question text for your question. This text can contain HTML. LearnUpon does not currently support image imports. You can add images through the application, after the import step is complete. |
ChoiceN | string |
The Nth question distractor or possible choice in a question. The value cannot contain HTML. The importer strips any HTML from the value before storing it on your portal. N, signifies a value from 1..n where n is a valid number greater than or equal to 1. Empty Choice columns are ignored. The importer assumes no more choices are available for the question. |
CorrectN | boolean |
Indicates if the Nth choice in a question is the correct choice or not.
n, signifies a value from 1..n where n is a valid number greater than or equal to 1. Each question being imported must have at least 1 value. |
FeedbackN | string |
The correct or incorrect feedback shown to the learner if they choose the Nth choice in their answer. If the answer Nth choice is the correct answer: this data is used for the correct feedback in LearnUpon. If the answer is incorrect: the feedback is used as the incorrect feedback. The value cannot contain HTML. The importer strips any HTML from the value before storing it on your portal. N, signifies a value from 1..n where n is a valid number greater than or equal to 1. |
Sample CSV templates
The following templates are available from this page:
- Migration templates - sample question import: an example of LearnUpon questions in CSV format
- Migration templates - question import migration: a CSV file with columns which match the data specification