Run basic learning path reports (previously called legacy learning path reports), to see how many users have progressed on their learning paths.
The Reports feature is available to all customers.
Access permissions to basic reports on learning paths
- Admins: can access all basic reports
- Managers: can run learning path reports for the learners they manage, when those learners are enrolled in learning paths
The rule of thumb: if the manager can view the learner's profile, then the manager has permissions to run the report, to view a learner's progress on the learning path. This permission applies even if the manager didn't enroll the learner on the learning path.
To use this basic report you need published learning paths on the portal. You can't run reports on draft learning paths. See:
- Learning paths: create a path, add courses, set progression and publish about setting up learning paths for the portal, plus creating and publishing a path
- Enroll individual users onto a learning path
- Enroll groups on a learning path
Run a basic learning path report
When you run a basic report, you get an onscreen display version for quick review, and an option to download to CSV or PDF.
Tip: Downloaded reports are more complete and detailed than onscreen displays, with more columns of data. If you're new to reports, download samples of each report to find out what's available.
- From main navigation go to Reports > + Create report.
- From Basic Reports select Legacy learning path report to open the reports filter page.
- Select the learning paths you need for this report.
- Add any filters to narrow the report focus. Choose from:
- Date range
- Groups
- Membership type, if associations are active on your portal
- Statuses
- User status
- User type
- Custom user data, if custom user data is in use on your portal
- Select Run Report to finish.
- Optionally: select Export to Excel or Export to PDF, to generate complete downloadable files of the report.
To start over with a new report, select Reset Filters.
The following screenshot shows the Learning Paths report filters, with 2 paths selected.
The following screenshot shows an example of filtering by custom user data.
- Reports: overview and setup
- Reports: setting filters on basic reports
- Reports: tips and tricks for basic report filters
- Reports: schedule a basic report