Download course metadata as a CSV file
Download course settings and information, aka metadata, in comma-separated value (CSV) format. This download contains information about courses, without the course content.
Availability: all customers
The download includes course details that you typically access from the Info tab from individual courses:
- Course Id
- Name
- Version
- Description
- Objectives
- Certificate Name
- Credits
- Course Owner First Name
- Course Owner Last Name
- Course Owner Email
- Modules: number of modules in the course
- Created: date the course was created
- Status
- Groups: number of groups enrolled
- Users: number of learners enrolled
- Difficulty
- Course Length
- Custom Course Data Fields, where configured
This download doesn't include any data from the following areas from the Info tab for a course:
- Notifications
- Additional settings
- Badges
- Forum settings
Export course settings
- From main navigation, go to Courses.
- From Actions, select Export to Excel.
- From the dialog that appears, select the link to download the file.
The following screenshot shows the option in Actions.
- Course settings overview: details, learner access and messaging options
- Custom course data: set up custom fields about courses
- Collection: make your course content work for you