User Management
- Dynamic rules: overview
- Users: the basic profile
- Batch user upload: overview and options explained
- Users: generate random secure passwords for batch uploads
- Custom user data: set up custom fields
- Custom user data and dynamic rules: editing options
- Dynamic rules: group users by their email domain, creation date or custom user data
- Dynamic rules: synchronize users for group assignments
- Manage groups
- Managers: set permissions to manage groups
- Groups: download group names and descriptions
- Users: set and reset passwords
- Users: create an instructor, and assign them to a course
- Disable a user account, or delete an account
- User privacy: request permanent account deletion
- Users: download all user data in a portal
- Enrollments: unenroll and set complete with bulk actions
- Enrollments: manage enrollment requests from learners
- Enrollments: mark a learner's course as complete