Help learners find your course with search tools
Add a course description and objectives to your course.
Availability: all customers
Both fields use CK Editor: see Use the rich text editor for an overview.
The course Description is searchable within LearnUpon, and appears to learners in their dashboard and the internal catalog. This text helps users find a course using search tools. If you use eCommerce, the description appears in your store.
The course Objectives appear to learners when they select a course name to view from their dashboard, the internal catalog and in your online store.
Note: For consistency of performance and display, the CK editor removes emoji codes when you save text content.
Enter a description and objectives
When entering text in these fields, you need to save the work twice: once to save the content in the editor, and once to save changes to the LearnUpon page.
- On the Info page, select Details.
- Select Add Description to open the field in CK Editor.
- When the text is complete Save to finish the work in CK Editor, or Close to discard your text.
- Select Add Objectives to open the field in CK Editor.
- When the text is complete Save to finish the work in CK Editor, or Close to discard your text.
- After any changes to content in Details, Save to finish, or Cancel to discard all changes.
The following screenshot shows a page with text in Description, before selecting Save for the page.