See when email notifications are bouncing, to ensure your organization’s messages get to learners.
This feature is available to all customers.
Managing bounced outbound email: overview
LearnUpon is a Software as a Service (SaaS) product based on infrastructure powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). To deliver automated email successfully and reliably, LearnUpon uses Amazon's Simple Exchange Service (SES).
Amazon SES use a bounce rate, combined with other metrics, to determine the credibility of an email and email sender. If too many bounces originate from one sender (for Amazon, LearnUpon counts as one sender), LearnUpon can appear as a spam sender. This risk could affect all LearnUpon customers.
To protect all LearnUpon customers, LearnUpon follows a strict policy regarding bounces originating from one portal. If a significant number of bounces come from a single portal, LearnUpon automatically disables outbound email from that portal, to protect all of our customers.
To help you manage bounced emails: view your current messages status from Email management.
This page tells you:
- how many messages bounced
- if bounces are manageable, are approaching the cutoff threshold, or exceed the threshold, when your email delivery is disabled
You can download the bounced addresses as a CSV file, to help with troubleshooting.
With this information you can:
- keep the portal’s outbound email notifications moving
- resolve email bounces from learners internally
You need to set up email on the portal to send notifications. See:
Access permissions
This feature is available to admins with full portal permissions.
This feature is available on sub-portals.
View rates of email bounces, and a list of bounced addresses
- From main navigation go to Settings > Email > Email management.
- The List of bounced emails provides learner names, email addresses, and date/time information about the bounce.
- On the same page, select Export to CSV to download the list of bounced email addresses.
- Email deliverability: best practices to avoid email bounces
- Messages and email: set options for the portal
- Send notification emails from your own domain