Sample notifications for event owners, instructors and learners
Availability: all customers
See Live Learning: overview and features for background about Live Learning.
Live Learning notifications: overview
You can set up automated messages to reach event owners, instructors and learners as required. All notifications are optional. Set as many or as few as required for your organization’s needs.
These email notifications can include calendar invites for learners and instructors to add sessions straight to their own Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo calendars.
Live Learning notifications replace the notifications designed for legacy ILTs, that you set up in Courses > my course name > Notifications.
Legacy ILTs don't use the notification templates created for Live Learning. See Course notifications: set automated messages for course events about legacy ILT notifications.
You set notifications at the event level, rather than the course or the session level. See Live Learning: create and edit a learning event.
The automated notifications to event owners and instructors are not editable.
Admins can edit notifications to learners, and tailor the text in an email template. See:
The following screenshot shows all the notifications, as they appear when you set up a Live Learning event. In this example all notifications are turned on.
Tip: The sample screenshots in this article are for online sessions through Zoom. The notifications use iCal attachments.
Notifications and optional event overbook
When you set up events through Live Learning, you can turn on Event overbook.
See: Live Learning: use overbook to plan future sessions.
LearnUpon doesn't notify learners about waiting for sessions, only about their session registration when they are successfully registered.
If you send the default course enrollment notifications, learners can receive:
- a course enrollment email
- a session registration for each session in the course
If the event does not have Event overbook turned on: when the sessions are full, registered learners no longer see any sessions. LearnUpon also stops enrolling more learners on the associated courses.
To send event email notifications, you must turn on the notification feature for the portal. See Live Learning and Instructor Led Training (ILT): overview.
If the feature is turned off, you'll see a notice when you add or edit notifications in the event. The following screenshot shows the notice.
The notice reads:
Event notifications are currently disabled on this portal, so users can't receive email invitations and updates.
Note: Live Learning notifications require an email address. For organizations that have usernames as unique identifiers, make sure that all recipients - event owners, instructors and learners - have a valid email address in their profile.
See the following portal-level settings which affect email messages:
- Messages and email: set options for the portal about setting the portal name for email messages
- Email opt-out about allowing users to opt out of receiving email from the portal.
If your learners opt out, they will not receive email notifications about Live Learning sessions.
Access permissions to set notifications
- Admins with full portal permissions: can edit email templates for notifications. These templates are available for both top level and sub portals
- Admins: can create and edit events, including setting notifications
- instructors, and managers with instructor permissions: can create and edit events, and set notifications for events they own. See Live Learning: create and edit a learning event
Notifications for event owners
Event added to a course
A learning event owner receives an email message when someone adds their event to a course. The following screenshot shows the message to the owner when the event is added to a course.
New session scheduled
An event owner receives an email message when someone schedules new sessions for a learning event .The following screenshot is an example of the message to the event owner about a new session.
Notifications for instructors
You select the calendar format for Live Learning notifications when you turn on Live Learning feature. See Instructor Led Training (ILT): overview.
Session assignment
An instructor receives email when someone assigns the instructor to a session. The following screenshot is an example of the message to the instructor about a new session.
Session update for instructors
An instructor receives email when someone updates a session - for example, changes the date, time, timezone, or capacity. The following screenshot is an example of the message to the instructor about a change in the session.
Session cancellation for instructors
An instructor receives email when someone cancels a session. The following screenshot shows the notification sent to an instructor about a cancelled session.
Tip: LearnUpon doesn't send a notification if a learner cancels their individual place on a session. This notification applies only if the entire session is cancelled, for learners and instructors both.
Session reminder
An instructor receives 1 reminder email of a coming session, a fixed number of days before the session. You set the number of days in advance in the module.
The following screenshot shows the reminder notification sent to an instructor assigned to a session.
Notifications for learners
You set the calendar format for Live Learning notifications when you turn on Live Learning. See Live Learning and Instructor Led Training (ILT): overview.
Session registration
A learner receives an email with an optional iCal or invitation about a coming session. The message is the same whether the learner enrolls themselves, or is enrolled by someone else. The following screenshot is an example of the session registration sent to learners with an iCal attachment.
Session update for learners
A learner receives an email with an optional iCal or invitation when someone updates a session - for example, changes the date, time, timezone, or capacity. The following screenshot is an example of the session update sent to learners.
Session cancellation for learners
A learner receives an email with an optional iCal or invitation when someone cancels the session.The following screenshot is an example of the session cancellation message sent to learners.
Registration cancelled
A learner receives an email with an optional iCal or invitation when their registration is cancelled. Either the learner cancelled their registration themselves, or an admin cancelled their registration. The session is still going ahead, but this learner isn't attending it.
The option for any user type to cancel registrations is available only for manual registrations. It's not available for automatic registrations.
The learner can potentially register for another session, if the event settings allow them to choose another session. See Live Learning: create and edit a learning event.
The following screenshot is an example of the registration cancellation message sent to learners.
Event reminder
A learner receives a reminder email of a coming session, a fixed number of days before the session.
The following screenshot shows the reminder notification sent to a learner.