Design courses to work smoothly on LearnUpon
These requirements apply to all customers.
LearnUpon lets you build courses with the tools that work for you, and work with the content you already use. Find the articles that address your questions about how to build smooth-running courses.
LearnUpon is a Software as a Service (SaaS) product based on cloud infrastructure powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
LearnUpon has no direct operating system, hardware, plug-in or monitor requirements. LearnUpon's main requirement is a supported browser. You need to run a version of the browser software that the software manufacturer currently maintains with updates.
Tip: for additional ideas and options see the LearnUpon blog for advice about current tools.
Platform and browsers
LearnUpon runs on any supported browser, and learners can use LearnUpon on phones, tablets and desktops. The most effective way to support LearnUpon in your organization is to keep your browsers up to date.
Mobile: LearnUpon's app for iOS and Android
Read about LearnUpon's steps to make LearnUpon fully accessible, and about tools to make your content on the portal accessible to everyone.
Admins are responsible for making sure that the content they and course authors publish in a portal, like courses, training resources, audio and video, is accessible.
LearnUpon does not verify the uploaded content for accessibility.
Web accessibility statement: WCAG 2.0 and 508 standards
Images: crop images and provide alt-text
Add documents, video or audio segments to modules
Content file types
Find out which files you can use in LearnUpon, and their formats.
File types supported in course modules: overview
Images and graphics
See details about sizing graphics for best results in course content and on the portal.
Image sizes overview: logos, course images and certificates
Images: crop images and provide alt-text
SCORM and xAPI advice
SCORM and xAPI are technical standards for eLearning software products. LearnUpon supports both standards.
LearnUpon has no required dimensions for displaying content: SCORM and Tin Can windows respond automatically to the learner's browser size.
SCORM and xAPI (Tin Can): overview
SCORM content: troubleshooting errors
SCORM content: use the module debugging tool for troubleshooting
Tip: for best results, test your course content on different devices. Make sure your course layouts and graphics are responsive, so they scale smoothly and clearly at any viewing size.
Course content from other providers
LearnUpon customers can use off-the-shelf content available through LearnUpon's partnership with OpenSesame. OpenSesame offers a comprehensive catalog of elearning courses in a variety of formats and languages.
Speak to your Customer Success Manager about accessing OpenSesame course content and advice.
See the OpenSesame website. LearnUpon is not responsible for content off this site.
Go1 and LinkedIn Learning
Go1 and LinkedIn Learning customers can import course content directly into LearnUpon, to run courses and track progress within your LearnUpon portal.
If your organization is not yet a Go1 customer, speak to your Customer Success Manager.
Access to LinkedIn Learning content requires a subscription to their services.