Use your existing files to build courses
View a quick reference for the file types and sizes you can upload for your courses.
Availability: all customers
Exams and surveys use question pools that you write within LearnUpon, using the rich text editor, and the question formats available.
The library stores the content you create and upload, so you can reuse it in multiple courses.
Tip: see LearnUpon's Web accessibility statement: WCAG 2.0 and 508 standards.
Text and image modules
You can upload the following file formats to text and image modules:
- within a text and image module: JPEG and PNG files, up to 1 MB
- as document segments: Word, PowerPoint or PDF files, up to 100 MB
- as video segments: 3GP, 3GP2, 3GPP, 3GPP2, AVI, F4A, F4B, F4V, M4A, M4B, M4R, M4V, MOV, MP4, MPEG, OGG, OGA, OGV, OGX, QT, VTT (video caption files), WMV. Files can be up to 3.5 GB (gigabytes), at a resolution of 1080p
- as audio segments: 3GP, AAC, AC3, EC3, M4F, MJ2, MKV, MP3, MP4, MXF, OGG, TS, WEBM, WMV, WAV, up to 1.5 GB
Note: For PowerPoint files as a document module, the upload process strips out any slide transitions or animation effects. To keep the effects, you can convert the PowerPoint into a SCORM or Tin Can format, to upload as a SCORM or Tin Can module.
Search the LearnUpon blog for advice about converting PowerPoint to interactive modules.
Measuring byte sizes: Windows vs Mac conventions
LearnUpon's size limits refer to MB (mega byte = 1,000,000 bytes) and GB (gigabyte = 1,024 megabytes).
Mac and Windows systems use different conventions to list larger units like GB for file metadata. The Windows estimates look smaller at first glance.
For example,for a single video file that measures a total 1,520,873,891 bytes:
- a Mac-based system divides the raw byte number by 1,000, 3 times, to display 1.53 GB
- a Windows-based system divides the raw byte number by 1,024, 3 times, to display 1.41 GB
Tip: If the portal generates an error about uploading a large file, check the file size in raw bytes, to confirm that LearnUpon can upload it correctly.
Assignments and Resources
For assignments and resources, you can upload any of the following file formats:
- audio: M4A, MP3, WAV
- video: 3GP, 3GP2, 3G2, 3GPP, 3GPP2, AVI, F4A, F4V, FLV, M4A, M4B, M4R, M4V, MOV, MP4, MPEG,QT, WMA, WMV, VTT (video caption files)
- spreadsheet: XLS, XLSX, ODF, XLT, XLTX, CSV, NUMBERS
- image: GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, VSD
- presentation: PPT, PPTX, POT, ODP, ODS, ODT, PPS, PPA, POTX, PUB, KEY
Maximum file size for assignments and resources is 500 MB per file.
For any file type not listed, you can compress (zip) the file to upload it to LearnUpon.
Compressed formats
Typically you upload SCORM and Tin Can modules as ZIP files.
You can upload the following compressed formats up to 2.5 GB in size.