Give learners control over their session choices
You can let learners choose and cancel their own ILT sessions.
Availability: all customers
See Live Learning: overview and features for background about Live Learning.
When you create training in Live Learning, you can select:
- Give learners the option to self-register so your learners can choose their own sessions
- Give learners the option to cancel registration so learners can cancel sessions if required
As long as the sessions have capacity, the course's Content shows how many sessions are available for registration.
See Live Learning: create and edit an ILT module for full instructions.
Learners select sessions from the course
From the learner's course Content, they can see the modules that make up a course.
Live Learning events show their session details, or indicate that the learner is not yet registered for a session.
The following screenshot shows a learner's course Content with:
- 1 ordinary module
- 1 Live Learning event, with a session date and time set
- 1 Live Learning event marked NOT REGISTERED, with sessions to choose from - see arrow
The learner selects the title to view its details and is prompted to select View sessions.
The following screenshot shows an example of event details, before a learner has registered for a session.
From Sessions the learner sees the times, dates, capacity and instructor initials. In-person sessions display a location, and online sessions show N/A for location.
The following screenshot shows Sessions, where the learner can Select a session.
Select opens a Register for live training dialog, where the learner selects Register to confirm.
The following screenshot shows an example confirmation dialog with session details.
Learners cancel their own sessions
If the training owner selected Give learners the option to cancel registration when creating the training, learners can access a Cancel registration option for their sessions.
From the learner's course Content, they can see the modules that make up a course.
When registered for a session, Live Learning events show their session details and options to Join session and Cancel registration.
When a learner selects Cancel registration, and confirms in the dialog that opens, LearnUpon removes them from the session. Their name goes onto the Unregistered learners list in Live Learning.
Learners can select another session as required.
The following screenshot shows a training session with the options as described.
- Live Learning: overview and features
- Live Learning: register learners for sessions
- Live Learning: record attendance for sessions
- Live Learning: create and edit sessions within a module