See your own profile in LearnUpon, and the settings you can manage directly: your name, timezone, and preferred portal language.
Availability: all customers
Note: To change a unique identifier on a portal - typically an email address, sometimes a username - users need to contact their admin.
Access permissions
Admins set up the portal, including settings for what users can view and edit in their profile.
All users can access their own profile. How much information they can view and edit depends on the portal settings.
First login
A learner's very first login depends on how the admin has set up the portal. Steps include:
- accepting terms, if required by your portal: see Portal setup: add terms for your portal
- setting their first name and last name, if they were not included in the account setup: see Add users to your portal
- confirming any editable custom user data, if required: see Custom user data: set up custom fields
The following screenshot shows a sample learner's first login. In this example, first and last name are required, and custom user data is a mix of required and optional fields.
My Profile
A learner's profile is always accessible. From the top navigation select the roundel with your initials or photo > your name and identifier to access My Profile.
The following screenshot illustrates accessing a user profile.
The information that users can change depends on your portal setup. From My Profile, users can typically:
- edit their first name and last name
- change their password
- set their local timezone, so times and dates for courses appear at their local time
After any change, select Save to finish.
Note: If required for your organization, the LearnUpon Support team can make profile fields read-only, and hide the password field, for your portal.
Optional profile settings
The portal admin can add more features to user profiles, including:
- user images, to replace their initials. If you allow profile images, learners can select the roundel with their initials, and upload a photo, and include alt-text. See Portal setup: users' general settings
- setting up 2 factor authorization. See Learner view: set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for your account
- choosing languages for your portal's headings and labels, if available
- reviewing the terms of use for the portal
- choosing how to receive messages: Portal Default, Internal only, or Internal & External. See Messages and email: set options for the portal
- deleting their own accounts permanently. See User privacy: request permanent account deletion
The following screenshot shows an example of the profile page a learner sees. This example includes some optional settings.
Custom user data, aka Profile Details
If you set up custom user data fields in the portal, users can view the data for their account from their Profile Details tab. During setup, you determine the field formats, and if they are editable or not.
See Custom user data: set up custom fields
After any change to a field, select Save to finish.
The following screenshot shows an example of editable and non-editable fields in Profile Details.
- Portal setup: title, language, timezone and access settings
- Portal setup: users' general settings
- Announcement: LearnUpon Redesign Guide