Learners can access enrollments by learning journey from the Dashboard in the legacy interface, and from Home or My Learning in the redesigned interface.
Availability: all customers
Learning journeys in the legacy Dashboard
From Dashboard, learners can view their learning in progress, including learning journeys.
The following screenshot shows the learner dashboard with a learning journey selected.
Redesigned interface: Home and My Learning
From Home, learners can see their learning in progress for Courses, Learning paths and Learning journeys. Courses appear first by default.
Selecting the relevant heading displays the 3 most recent learning modules in progress.
The following screenshot shows Learning in progress > Learning journeys, with the current enrollment for a learner.
From My Learning, learners see similar options to view all current Courses, Learning paths, Learning journeys and External training. External training is an optional feature of associations and memberships.
The following screenshot shows My Learning, displaying the learner’s current enrollments.
Learner view of journey details
After selecting the learning journey from Dashboard, Home or My Learning, the learner sees a linear illustration of their learning journey including:
- name and description
- branch names
- course names and descriptions
Learners select the first course to start the learning journey.
The following GIF shows the look and feel of the learning journey, before selecting the course to start.
Selecting the course opens the course details with the familiar Start option.