Get to know My Learning page for learners.
These interface changes are available to all customers on request.
Contact your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager to turn on the feature.
Access permissions
- learners: view My Learning by default
- all other user types: access My Learning from their Learner view
My Learning is available only from a learner's view. Select User Settings > Switch to learner to access My Learning.
See Navigating LearnUpon: switch to learner view
One page for each learner’s enrollments
As LearnUpon updates its interface to meet customer needs better, learners get a page dedicated to their enrollments: current, past, and future.
The following GIF highlights the look and feel of My Learning, and its filter features.
Cards for courses and learning paths
The cards on My Learning summarize a lot of information in a small space, including:
- course title
- enrollment date
- course image
- label for course or learning path
- length in time, number of modules
- a label for ILT sessions
- ratings, based on number of reviews
The following screenshot shows 2 courses that include Live Learning, with reminders for coming sessions, and to register for a session.
Tabs for courses, learning paths and credits
My Learning pulls together tabs for:
- individual courses
- learning paths
- external credits like CPD (continuing professional development)
When learners start a course that is part of a learning path, they’ll see their progress listed on the Learning Path tab.
The following screenshot shows the tabs on My Learning, along with relevant filters.
Filters for status, for categories and for live sessions
Courses and Learning path tabs offer filters:
- Search - applies to courses only
- Status - to find courses by Not started, In progress, Pending review, Completed, Passed, and Failed statuses
- Category - filters by the category names that you apply to courses
- Live sessions - to filter for courses that have sessions in person, or via webinar
External training includes a search bar that applies to the learner’s credits only.
External credits and training history
For portals that use Associations settings, learners can upload their own external credits through My Learning. See Associations and membership types: overview and setup.
Learners can download their learning history from My Learning.