Find the sizes of free-text fields you use regularly
LearnUpon's interface has character limits on free-text fields. These field sizes are hard limits, and can't change.
Availability: all customers
Speak to your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager about any problems you have with setting up your portal.
Field sizes are described as the number of characters in a field. Characters include letters, spaces, and punctuation, even when they are not visible to the learner, like HTML tags.
- Course Description: around 10,000 characters
- Course Objectives: around 65,000 characters
See: Course settings overview: details, learner access and messaging options.
- Text & Image module: around 65,000 characters
See: Create a text and image module
- Resource Description: around 65,000 characters
See: Create a resource.
- Assignment Summary / Requirements: around 65,000 characters
- Your response/notes: around 65,000 characters
- Feedback (from instructor): around 65,000 characters
See: Assignments: create an assignment for a course and Assignments: review and provide feedback, or reject an assignment.
- Live Learning training description: around 30,000 characters
See: Live Learning: overview and features and Live Learning: create and edit a learning event.
- Custom course data: 255 characters
See: Custom course data: set up custom fields about courses
- Group Name field: 80 characters
- Group Description: 255 characters
See: Group your users.
- Custom User Data Names: 255 characters
- Custom User Data comma-separated values: 255 characters
See: Custom user data: set up custom fields.
- Usernames: 3 to 255 characters
Note: The default minimum length of usernames is 6 characters. LearnUpon can set the minimum to 3 characters on request.
See: Log in with usernames.
Portal setup
- Custom "sign into" portal text: 100 characters
This field holds a short welcome text, which appears above the login and password fields.
- Login message: around 1500 characters
Tip: more than 25 lines of text starts to look awkward. If your login message has a lot of text, test out how the text appears onscreen before publishing your portal.
See: Customize your login page.
- Terms text: around 65,000 characters
- Terms title: 64 characters
- Terms Reference: 16 characters
The Terms Reference field appears only when you add terms to your portal for the first time. See: Portal setup: add terms for your portal.
- Whitelisting of domains: 255 characters
See: Portal setup: users' general settings.
- Message body: around 65,000 characters
See: Send a message or an announcement.
- eCommerce About page: around 65,000 characters
See: eCommerce: add your brand with color, logos, images and video.