Remove a course from your portal
If your course is licensed, deleting a course removes it from your sub-portals.
Availability: all customers
You can't run reports on a deleted course. Learners who completed the course retain their learning history.
Deletion is permanent. Be sure to read the whole article, before deleting a course in your portal.
Managing learners' experience when you delete a course
When you delete a course, LearnUpon prompts you to decide how to handle learner enrollments, depending on their status. By default, learners stay enrolled, and can complete the course.
- for learners in Not Started and In Progress states, decide if they can finish the course or are unenrolled
- for learners in Completed state, decide if they remain on the course, or are unenrolled
When you delete a course that is part of a learning path, LearnUpon provides slightly different options for handling learner enrollments. By default, learners stay enrolled, and can complete the course.
- for learners in Not Started and In Progress states, decide if they can finish the course or are unenrolled. They progress to the next course on the learning path
- learners in Completed state remain enrolled in the course, and can access it from their Completed Courses options
Deleting a course
- Navigate to Courses > your course name.
- From Actions, select Delete Course.
- In the dialog that opens, choose how to handle current learner enrollments.
- Select Delete to finish.
The following screenshot shows the options available when you select Delete Course.
The following screenshot shows the options available when you select Delete Course for a course that is part of a learning path.
Effects on reporting and on learners
After deleting a course, you cannot run further reports on the course. The Course History report, available only per-user, remains the only record of course attendance.
The learner experience depends on your admin's choices. If you let a user’s completed course enrollments remain on the course:
- access to the course, credits, and certificates remain on a user’s Dashboard > Completed Courses tile
- completed courses and earned credits remain listed in their Training History, available by download
If you unenroll a user’s completed course enrollments from the course:
- completed courses and earned credits remain listed in their Training History, available by download
- Publish a new version of a course for advice about updating content in a course
- Reporting: overview to learn about reports in LearnUpon
- Learning paths: create a path, add courses, set progression and publish about building a learning path