What the learner sees working through a checklist
Depending on setup, instructors can complete checklists while observing learners, or learners can complete their own checklists.
Availability: all customers
The learner’s experience depends on the settings applied to the checklist module, and to the course.
- Checklists: overview and features for descriptions of module and course settings
- Checklists: create a checklist and add it to a course for how-to instructions
- Checklists: assess a learner with a checklist for the course owner’s point of view
Request assessment of the checklist tasks
After selecting Start, the checklist module appears as plain text onscreen. By default learners can see the checklist items prior to requesting assessment.
The following screenshot shows an example checklist with Request assessment.
If the checklist doesn’t show the individual items, the learner sees a default message about the module with Request assessment. The following screenshot shows an example of this message.
The learner selects Request assessment.
LearnUpon shows a brief pop-up confirmation that the learner has successfully requested observation from their manager or instructor.
Starting the checklist with observation
The checklist assessment starts when the observer and learner meet, typically in person, to work through the items on the list together. Typically the learner is demonstrating a task as the observer watches and verifies the items on the list.
For checklists that learners can view, the course owner can optionally let learners see the current status of individual items. As the observer selects items in the list, the learner can see their own progress.
The following screenshot shows an example of a learner’s view of a checklist in progress.
Completing the checklist
When the learner completes the observed training, and the observer selects Approve on the checklist, the learner’s checklist displays a confirmation message.
The following screenshot shows an example of the message.
If the modules in the course were sequenced, the learner can now select Next Module in their course.
Self-assessment checklists
For checklists that learners complete themselves, learners can view the checklist and mark tasks as complete.
They may need to submit the checklist for review. Alternately, if the course is self-directed, they can save the checklist and proceed to the next module.