Add and customize dashboard widgets to track user activities
On the dashboard, admins can access quick links for routine tasks. Each admin can set their dashboard to suit their tasks.
Availability: all customers
You cannot copy dashboard menus and widgets from a top-level portal to a sub-portal. Each admin manages their own view for each portal.
Default dashboard menus
For admins, the LearnUpon dashboard displays a series of menus with links, summarizing the 4 most frequent types of tasks:
- Create
- Manage
- Import
- Report
You can use these links interchangeably with the main navigation menu.
You can select and drag the menus to change their display order.
The following screenshot shows the default quick menus for an admin.
Customize dashboard menus
You can edit these menus to display only the tasks you use most, or remove menus entirely.
Menus hold up to 4 tasks only, selected from the tasks available by default. You can't create a new link to a task elsewhere in the portal.
Edit a menu
- From main navigation, on a menu select More (aka 3-dot menu) > Edit.
- From My Actions dialog, you can:
- change a menu title
- remove existing tasks
- enter a different task from the dropdown list, for up to 4 tasks
- Update to finish.
Delete a menu
- From main navigation, on a menu select More (aka 3-dot menu) > Delete.
- From Are you sure? dialog, select OK to confirm.
Create a widget
Widgets are lists, graphs and charts which make important numbers from your portal easy to find and understand. Widgets keep you up to date about changes, without running a one-off report.
The following screenshot shows the New Widget menu.
- From the action menu on the dashboard, select + Create New Widget.
- From the dialog select one of the widget options:
- My Actions: a selection list of up to 4 quick actions
- Leaderboard: displays a leaderboard of the most successful learners
- Enrollment Movements: a graph which shows numbers of learners at up to 5 statuses
- Users Logins Movement: numbers of learners' logins
- Sales Movements: shows numbers of sold courses in an eCommerce store
- Sales: percentage of sold courses in a pie chart, for a selected time frame
- For each widget, select the parameters you need for the graph or chart, like a time frame, or number of statuses.
- Select Create to finish.
After you create a widget, you can edit it through the More (aka 3-dot) menu. The following screenshot shows the editing options for the Enrollment Movements widget.
Customize your widget display
Select and drag a widget to:
- move the widget to a new location on the dashboard - by default the widgets move to the top of the screen whenever space is available
- widen a widget from the minimum of one quarter of the screen up to the full screen width
- Navigating LearnUpon as an admin, manager or instructor
- Learner view: navigating LearnUpon
- Portal dashboard settings for learners
- Set up dashboard and catalog banners