Send customized emails in learners' preferred languages
Customers with mutiple languages in their portals can create custom template messages for learners in the languages learners use.
Availability: depends on your LearnUpon plan
Portal language settings, and learner portal settings
During portal setup, an admin sets a language for the whole portal. See Portal setup: title, language, timezone and access settings.
Learners can set a different language for their portal: the navigation, headings and tips change to that language. Your profile: the learner view.
Portals send many notifications automatically, based on portal events, and can match these messages to their learners' portal language.
Organizations that use multiple languages in their portals can set up custom templates in all the languages they use, so learners receive customized emails in their preferred language.
These customized emails use templates, that admins can turn on and edit from Settings > Email > Custom Email Templates.
Note: portal invites and group invites to a group stay in the default portal language. The invited learner doesn’t yet have a portal account, so can’t select a preferred language.
- access to multiple languages for portals. See Portal setup: title, language, timezone and access settings
- have custom email templates in use. See Manage custom email templates
Access permissions
- admins with full portal permissions: can access the templates to customize their text
- sub-portal admins with full portal permissions: can access and edit the sub-portal templates
Optionally, sub-portals can copy the custom email templates of their top-level portal. See Create and manage sub-portals.
Edit custom email templates in multiple languages
This process is the same as for setting up custom email templates in a single language, with one additional step of selecting a language for the template.
See Manage custom email templates > Edit and start using a custom email template.
- From main navigation go to Settings > Email > Custom Email Templates.
- Select a template to open it.
- From Template language select a language name.
The page refreshes to the default template text in the selected language.
The following screenshot shows the Template language drop down. US English is the default, and the field shows Brazilian Portuguese highlighted.
- Enter a Subject, and edit the text in Message using the CK editor.
- Add variables to Message and Subject by selecting a variable from the list provided.
- From Actions, select Send to Self to receive a preview to your email address.
- When your template's content is correct, select Enabled? to start sending it to users.
- Optionally: for certain templates, select additional recipients for copies:
- Bcc Course Owner
- Bcc Managers
- Cc an email address of your choosing on all emails sent: enter an address
- Bcc an email address of your choosing on all emails sent: enter an address
- Save to finish.
After sending yourself a test message to confirm the variables are correct, select Enable to start using the custom template in the selected language.