Share an external catalog of courses to build your learning brand
Customers and prospects can view course titles before they register on your portal.
Availability: all customers on request
Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or the support team to turn on the public catalog for your portal.
The public catalog, aka external catalog, lets you display a list of course titles, short descriptions and thumbnail images to potential learners, before they register or log in to the portal.
The descriptions use the first 200 characters of the course description. If you don't enter a description, learners see only the thumbnail and login link.
See Courses: add course description and objectives for the dashboard and catalog
Your public catalog URL is
. The contents of this page are in the public domain, and indexable by search engines.
The following screenshot shows an example public catalog from LU University. The Log in option is highlighted.
When viewers select a course card, the card expands to display the catalog card an optional brief description, and an option to log in. See the following screenshot for an example.
Log in directs viewers to the portal login, with an option to register with the portal.
Learners need to register or log in to access the courses. They can’t access course content from outside the portal.
This external, public catalog does not include:
- banners
- course recommender
- enrollment request options from outside the portal
If viewers want to enroll, they need to either register or log in. Within the portal, enrollment request options (where you require learners to request enrollment, rather than allowing self-enrollment) apply.
Manage your public and your internal catalog together
For admins, the internal and public catalogs have similar settings:
- you add a course to both catalogs through each course’s Info > Catalog settings
- when you limit courses to specific groups, you can’t share these courses to either catalog
See Catalog: add courses and learning paths to the internal catalog > Restrict access to groups in the catalog.
To add courses to the public catalog, you must add them to the internal catalog first. You can’t display courses in the public catalog only.
The public catalog is available for those customers using the most recent learner Home and Catalog features on their portal. See:
You need the internal catalog turned on, to access the public catalog feature.
See Catalog: add courses and learning paths to the internal catalog.
Access permissions
After your CSM or the support team add the public catalog feature to your portal, an admin with full portal permissions needs to turn on.
Add a public catalog to a portal
- From main navigation go to Settings > Course catalog > General settings.
- From General select Public catalog enabled?
- Save to finish.
The following screenshot shows Public catalog enabled?, in its default setting (turned off).
Add a course or a learning path to a public catalog
From Courses settings, add a course or a learning path to the public catalog.
If you license a course to a sub-portal, LearnUpon can copy these settings to the sub-portal's course, through the portal-level settings for Internal Course Catalog. See Catalog: add courses and learning paths to the internal catalog > Enable course catalog for the portal.
- From main navigation:
- for courses: go to Courses > your course name
- for learning paths: go to Courses. From secondary navigation select Learning Paths > your learning path name
- From Info select Catalog.
- Select:
- Display course in catalog?
- Display course in public catalog?
- Save to finish.
Note: The Enrollment requests options apply to the internal catalog only. Learners can’t request enrollment from the public catalog alone: they must register or log in to request enrollment.
The following screenshot shows Display course in public catalog, in its default setting (turned off).