Register learners for sessions, or let enrolled learners choose their own
You can also register learners directly to sessions, which enrolls them in a course at the same time.
Availability: all customers on request
See Live Learning: overview and features for background about Live Learning.
Registering learners: overview
Automatic registration
Add learners to a session in the first available session for their event. When you enroll learners, LearnUpon adds learners straight to any sessions with capacity. If no sessions are available, learners appear in Unregistered learners.
When you use automatic registration, you can’t cancel learners' individual registrations.
Manual registration
Add learners enrolled on a course to the session you choose manually. When sessions fill to capacity, they stop appearing as an option for assigning learners.
For manual registrations: if you assign a learner to a session by mistake, you can cancel their registration for the session. The seat in the session is available again, and the learner’s name moves to the Unregistered learners list in Live Learning. You can assign the learner to another session as required.
See Live Learning: cancel session registrations.
If you cancel an entire session, the learners return to Unregistered learners, based on their date of enrollment.
Tip: You must choose either automatic or manual registration. You can’t combine the 2 methods.
If you change your learning event from manual to automatic registrations, LearnUpon applies this change to your existing sessions immediately. LearnUpon fills all the sessions available, even if you created the sessions originally with manual registration settings.
Register learners directly to a session, and enroll learners at the same time
Add learners directly to a specific session, even if they are not enrolled yet. As you register learners, LearnUpon prompts you to choose a course for enrollment.
See Live Learning: register learners directly to sessions, and to sessions in the past.
Register learners directly to a past session
Registering directly to the session also lets you register learners to sessions in the past. It resolves situations when learners attended a session but weren’t registered correctly at the time.
See Live Learning: register learners directly to sessions, and to sessions in the past.
Tip: For sessions in the past, you can exceed the maximum number of learners listed for the session.
Prerequisites to registering learners for Live Learning sessions
Registering learners onto future sessions requires:
- a published course with a Live Learning event
- sessions with capacity to register learners
- learners not yet registered for sessions
To register any learners, your Live Learning event requires a minimum of 1 session. You can't register learners to events without sessions.
Tip: to enroll learners before you have sessions ready, turn on the Event overbook option.
The Event overbook option lets you plan future sessions, manage cancellations and prevent fully-booked sessions from blocking course enrollments.
Currently, you can’t register learners to more than 1 session in the same event. If you enroll learners on a course that includes an event, and they’re already registered for a session on that event through another course, the learner doesn’t appear in Unregistered learners.
Registering learners directly to past sessions requires a published course with a Live Learning event and associated sessions.
For background about Live Learning features see:
- Live Learning: create and edit a learning event
- Live Learning: create and edit sessions
- Live Learning: add an event to a course
- Live Learning: use overbook to plan future sessions
Access permissions to register learners onto sessions
LearnUpon offers separate settings for instructors for Live Learning:
- to create and edit events. When someone creates a learning event, LearnUpon lists them as the event owner
- to create and edit sessions
- to register learners to sessions they lead
See Users: create an instructor, and assign them to a course
- all admins: have full access to courses, events and sessions, by default
- instructors assigned to a Live Learning event with permissions: can create and edit sessions for that event, and register learners to the sessions
- event owners with permissions: can register learners for sessions
- managers with permissions: can create and edit sessions in Live Learning, add sessions to events, and register learners to sessions they lead
See Managers: set permissions to manage groups
Register learners automatically to the next available session
You set this option when you create the event. See Live Learning: create and edit a learning event.
Once set, LearnUpon does registration automatically.
If you cancel a session, learners' names return to Unregistered learners, shown with their original enrollment date. LearnUpon adds them to the next sessions available, based on their enrollment dates.
Register learners for sessions manually
In Live Learning, LearnUpon lets you register learners for coming sessions, as long as the session has capacity. When a session reaches capacity, it's no longer offered as an option.
- From main navigation go to Live Learning > your Live Learning event.
- Select Unregistered learners to view the list of learners and their enrollment date.
The following screenshot shows Unregistered learners for a sample learning event, with the Register button of the first learner selected.
- For each learner select Register to view the session dates available.
- Choose a session from the dropdown and Select to finish.
The following screenshot shows the Register learner for session dropdown with sample sessions.
LearnUpon returns you to Unregistered learners.
Repeat the last 2 steps for as many learners as required.
Let learners register themselves for sessions
If you selected Give learners the option to self-register when you created the learning event, your learners can choose their own sessions.
As long as the sessions have capacity, the course's Content shows the sessions and indicates
- if they are registered
- how many sessions are available
When a session reaches capacity, learners see a No sessions available message. These learners stay on Unregistered learners until you create more sessions or more capacity
The following screenshot shows an example course with 3 modules, where the learner can register themselves. It contains:
- 1 content module
- 1 learning event with 2 sessions available
- 1 learning event which has no sessions available
See Live Learning: learner view of selecting sessions for illustrations of the learner's experience.
Combine manual registration and self-registration
You can both register learners and let them register themselves and cancel their registrations, when you create the learning event.
The following screenshot shows the Learner registration options available when you create or edit an event.
See Live Learning: create and edit a learning event.
Session capacity limits
For future sessions
Live Learning won't let you exceed session capacity by mistake. When a session is full, LearnUpon stops offering the session for registration.
If you run out of capacity, you need to create new sessions, or change the session capacity of existing sessions.
You can change existing session capacity, but you can't reduce capacity if you've already registered learners to the current limit.
For example: if your session has 8 people registered, and you change the maximum capacity to 5, LearnUpon won't let you update the session. The following screenshot shows the error message, reading:
Session not updated: the new capacity limit does not allow all registered learners to attend the session
For flexible numbers of sessions in future
The Event overbook option lets you plan future sessions, manage cancellations and prevent fully-booked sessions from blocking course enrollments.
For past sessions
When you register a learner to a session in the past, LearnUpon doesn’t enforce the capacity limits on sessions.
- Live Learning: create and edit sessions
- Live Learning: create and edit a learning event
- Live Learning: learner view of selecting sessions
- Live Learning: cancel session registrations
- Live Learning: use overbook to plan future sessions