Set minimum password requirements for all users.
This feature is available to all customers.
See also: Users: set and reset passwords.
Enable Advanced Passwords feature
- From main navigation menu go to Settings > Users > Advanced Passwords.
- Select Enable Advanced Passwords.
- Set your password requirements by entering minimum numbers for
- password length: must be between 6 and 100 characters
- lowercase characters
- uppercase characters
- special characters
- numbers, also called Arabic numerals
- Save to finish.
Retention and Expiry Policies
This feature includes options which require your users to change their passwords regularly, and prevent them from re-using passwords frequently.
Note: if you change these settings, the changes apply immediately: all your portal users' passwords expire. To prevent changing your users' passwords by mistake, you need to confirm these changes through a dialog after you select Save.
- From main navigation menu go to Settings > Users > Advanced Passwords.
- From Retention and Expiry Policies card
- select Retain previously used passwords and enter the number of passwords the application needs to retain. For example. if you enter 10, the application compares a user's new passwords to their previous 10 passwords, and does not accept any of the last 10 passwords as a change.
- select Set passwords to expire, and enter the number of days the password is valid, before it expires. Users need to change their passwords after the number of days you set.
- Select Save to finish.