Change the LearnUpon app's default colors to match your LearnUpon portal, and to support your brand.
Change the application colors
Salesforce Classic: Navigate to Setup > Develop > Custom Settings
Salesforce Lightning Experience: Navigate to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Settings
- Look for a list item named LearnUpon > Manage > New
- Review the options and change the settings to match your brand's color scheme.
Color and appearance options
Brand Background Color: hex value for the top section background.
Tip: Use the same hex value in the Brand Background Color as in your LearnUpon portal to provide unity across your portal and app.
Button Color: the color of the Salesforce Home button. Use hex values to set this color: default is white, #ffffff
Button Text Color: the hex value for the Salesforce Home text.
Button Redirect URL: by default the LearnUpon app redirects to ‘/home/home.jsp’ but this setting lets you change the destination URL.
SF Home Button Title: default is Salesforce Home. Change this title to support your training portal name.
Browser Title: default title is LearnUpon, visible on the browser tab. Rename using this setting to support your brand.
Show Salesforce Header: this option controls the main Salesforce header within Salesforce Classic, instead of showing the app in a fullscreen layout.
Note: the Salesforce header always appears within Salesforce Lightning Experience, and there's no option to remove it.
Page Height: default height is 100%, unless you enable the Show Salesforce Header setting.
Page Width: default width is 100%, change using this setting.