When Salesforce learners access courses, LearnUpon automatically synchronizes their data in your Salesforce environment.
Learners can follow LearnUpon courses directly, or take these courses from within Salesforce: either way, LearnUpon records their activity and synchronizes records between LearnUpon and Salesforce.
To sync learner activity, LearnUpon needs to know about the learner, one of two ways:
- The user logged into Salesforce and selected the LearnUpon tab to access their training
- You as admin imported the contact as a user into LearnUpon
Types of data: general
LearnUpon Portal object
On initial connection between LearnUpon and Salesforce, a new record is created within the Salesforce object LearnUpon Portal. This object maps to all of your learners - Salesforce Users and Contacts - within the object LearnUpon Portal Membership.
Types of data: Salesforce user- and contact-specific
When a user in LearnUpon meets one of the prerequisites, LearnUpon automatically synchronizes data to Salesforce for their account.
LearnUpon portal membership
On successful creation of the user or contact, LearnUpon creates a portal membership record in Salesforce. This record maps to enrollment records and provides an easy method to run reports across the multiple portals the user or contact uses.
User and contact profile information
For users and contacts, LearnUpon sends the following data to Salesforce:
- Date/Time last accessed LearnUpon
- Number of courses enrolled onto
- Number of courses completed, passed and/or failed
- Number of courses in progress
- Number of courses pending review
- Unenrollments:
- for unfinished courses, LearnUpon removes the course from LearnUpon and from Salesforce
- for finished courses, LearnUpon removes the course from LearnUpon only. Record of the completed course stays in Salesforce
Enrollment data
For both users and contacts, details of their course enrollments in LearnUpon are also synchronized. The following data is sent to Salesforce:
- Course name
- Date/Time enrolled
- Date/Time completed
- Status on the course
- Score achieved if any
For users, data is stored in Salesforce in a custom object LearnUponEnrollment, which you can use in custom reports in Salesforce. Likewise, contact enrollment data is stored to a custom object LearnUponContactEnrollment.
If you use learning paths, LearnUpon syncs the following data about users' or contacts' learning path enrollments/achievements:
- Learning path name
- Number of courses on the path
- Number of courses completed by the learner on the path
- Date/Time enrolled on the path
- Date/Time completed the path
- Score achieved if any
For users, data is stored in Salesforce in a custom object LearnUponLearningPathEnrollment, which you can use in custom reports in Salesforce. Likewise, contact enrollment data is stored to a custom object LearnUponLearningPathContactEnrollment.