See the specifications for the LearnUpon app for Salesforce.
Please contact the Support team about any issues installing the LearnUpon app in your Salesforce organization.
LearnUpon can help with any common Salesforce-LearnUpon integration issues, but does not offer support on your Salesforce application.
Tabs (3)
Name | Purpose |
LearnUpon | The tab that loads the Visualforce page with the LearnUpon application. |
LearnUpon API Call Logs | This tab provides the specific API calls being sent out to LearnUpon as part of the automated actions available via Salesforce Flow. |
LearnUpon API Setup | The main setup location for connecting to your LearnUpon Portal(s) via the API. Requires the permission set "LearnUpon API Admin Setup" to access the page. |
Custom Objects (8)
Name | Purpose |
LearnUpon API Call Logs | Object for tracking all API calls made from Salesforce to LearnUpon. |
LearnUpon Portal | Object for tracking all connected LearnUpon portals in Salesforce. |
LearnUpon Portal Membership | Object for tracking all portal memberships connected to your portals within Salesforce. |
LearnUponCustomData | Not yet implemented. |
LearnUponEnrollment | Custom object for tracking enrollments of Salesforce Users in LearnUpon. |
LearnUponLearningPathEnrollment | Custom object for tracking learning path enrollments of Salesforce Users in LearnUpon. |
LearnUponContactEnrollment | Custom object for tracking enrollments of Salesforce Contacts in LearnUpon. |
LearnUponLearningPathContactEnrollment | Custom object for tracking learning path enrollments of Salesforce Users in LearnUpon. |
Custom Object: LearnUpon API Call Logs - Custom Fields (8)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Account | Lookup(Account) | Lookup record to Account if specified during API call. |
Call Type | Text(50) | The type of call made out to LearnUpon, such as 'users' for user creation, etc. |
Contact | Lookup(Contact) | Lookup record to Contact if specified during API call. |
LearnUpon Portal | Text(50) | The chosen portal to make the API call out to. |
Response ID | Number(18, 0) | The ID provided in the response from the API. |
Response Message | Text(255) | The message is part of the response received from LearnUpon but can also be related to issues which resulted in not allowing the call to be made. |
Status Code | Number(18, 0) | The status code dictates whether the call was successful. A status 200 generally means that the call was a success. A status code of 0 means that the call never went out due to an issue with the setup. When this happens, check the Response Message field for more info. |
User | Lookup(User) | Lookup record to User if specified during API call. |
Custom Object: LearnUpon Portal - Custom Fields (2)
Name | Type | Purpose |
LearnUpon Portal Name | Text(80) | The name of the connected LearnUpon Portal. |
Portal Id | Number(18, 0) (Unique) | The unique LearnUpon Portal ID. |
Custom Object: LearnUpon Portal Membership - Custom Fields (6)
Name | Type | Purpose |
LearnUpon Portal Membership Name | Text(80) | The name of record. This is a concatenation of the portal name and the learners name. For example "LearnUpon Portal - John Doe" |
Contact | Lookup(Contact) | Lookup relationship to the contact record in Salesforce. |
LearnUpon Portal | Master-Detail(LearnUpon Portal) | Master detail relationship to the main LearnUpon Portal record. |
LU Portal Membership ID | Number(18, 0) | The user's unique Portal Membership ID in LearnUpon. |
Portal Id | Number(18, 0) | The unique LearnUpon ID. |
User | Lookup(User) | Lookup relationship to the user record in Salesforce. |
Custom Object: LearnUponCustomData - Custom Fields (11)
Name | Type | Purpose |
LearnUponCustomData Name | Text(80) | Not yet implemented. |
Field1 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
Field2 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
Field3 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
Field4 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
Field5 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
Field6 | Text(255) | Not yet implemented. |
Field7 | Text(255) | Not yet implemented. |
Field8 | Long Text Area(32768) | Not yet implemented. |
Field9 | Date/Time | Not yet implemented. |
Field10 | Date/Time | Not yet implemented. |
Custom Object: LearnUponEnrollment - Custom Fields (9)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Course Name | Text(255) | The name of the course on the enrollment for users. |
Date Completed | Date/Time | The date/time the user completed their course. |
Date Enrolled | Date/Time | The date/time the user was enrolled on their course. |
LearnUpon Portal Membership | Lookup(LearnUpon Portal Membership) | Lookup relationship to the users portal membership. |
LUEnrollment | Number(18, 0) (External ID) | The enrollment ID for the user's unique enrollment. |
LUUser | Number(18, 0) | External reference ID back to the user in this enrollment. |
Score | Number(18, 0) | The score achieved by the user on the course. |
Status | Text(50) | The status of the user on the course. |
User | Lookup(User) | Lookup relationship to the user record in Salesforce. |
Custom Object: LearnUponLearningPathEnrollment - Custom Fields (11)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Date Completed | Date/Time | The date/time the user completed their learning path. |
Date Enrolled | Date/Time | The date/time the user was enrolled on their learning path. |
LearnUpon Portal Membership | Lookup(LearnUpon Portal Membership) | Lookup relationship to the users portal membership. |
LUEnrollment | Number(18, 0) (External ID) | The enrollment ID for the user's unique learning path enrollment. |
LUUser | Number(18, 0) | External reference ID back to the user in this enrollment. |
Number Of Courses Completed On Path | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses completed by the user on this learning path. |
Number Of Courses On Path | Number(18,0) | Number of courses on the path for the given user. |
Path Name | Text(255) | The name of the path enrolled onto by the user. |
Score | Number(18, 0) | The score achieved by the user on the learning path. |
Status | Text(50) | The status of the user on the learning path. |
User | Lookup(User) | Lookup relationship to the user record in Salesforce. |
Custom Object: LearnUponContactEnrollment - Custom Fields (9)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Contact | Lookup(Contact) | Lookup relationship to the contact record in Salesforce. |
Course Name | Text(255) | The name of the course on the enrollment for contacts. |
Date Completed | Date/Time | The date/time the contact completed their course. |
Date Enrolled | Date/Time | The date/time the contact was enrolled on their course. |
LearnUpon Portal Membership | Lookup(LearnUpon Portal Membership) | Lookup relationship to the contact's portal membership. |
LUEnrollment | Number(18, 0) (External ID) | The enrollment ID for the contact's unique enrollment. |
LUUser | Number(18, 0) | External reference ID back to the contact in this enrollment. |
Score | Number(18, 0) | The score achieved by the contact on the course. |
Status | Text(50) | The status of the contact on the course. |
Custom Object: LearnUponLearningPathContactEnrollment - Custom Fields (11)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Contact | Lookup(Contact) | Lookup relationship to the contact record in Salesforce. |
Date Completed | Date/Time | The date/time the contact completed their learning path. |
Date Enrolled | Date/Time | The date/time the contact was enrolled on their learning path. |
LearnUpon Portal Membership | Lookup(LearnUpon Portal Membership) | Lookup relationship to the contact's portal membership. |
LUEnrollment | Number(18, 0) (External ID) | The enrollment ID for the contact's unique learning path enrollment. |
LUUser | Number(18, 0) | External reference ID back to the contact in this enrollment. |
Number Of Courses Completed On Path | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses completed by the contact on this learning path. |
Number Of Courses On Path | Number(18,0) | Number of courses on the path for the given contact. |
Path Name | Text(255) | The name of the path enrolled onto by the contact. |
Score | Number(18, 0) | The score achieved by the contact on the learning path. |
Status | Text(50) | The status of the contact on the learning path. |
Standard Object: Contact - Custom Fields (15)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Create in LearnUpon | Checkbox | Checkbox which can be implemented alongside the Create in LearnUpon Flow within Salesforce Flow to automate creation in LearnUpon. |
LU Field 1 | Date/Time | Not yet implemented. |
LU Field 2 | Long Text Area(32768) | Not yet implemented. |
LU Field 3 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
LU Field 4 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
LU Field 5 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
LU Last Accessed At | Date/Time | Date/time the contact last accessed LearnUpon. |
LU Number Completed | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the contact has completed. |
LU Number Enrolled | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the contact is enrolled onto. |
LU Number Failed | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the contact has failed. |
LU Number In Progress | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses that the contact has in progress. |
LU Number Not Started | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the contact has not yet started. |
LU Number Passed | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the contact passed. |
LU Number Pending Review | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the contact has pending. |
LU User ID | Number(18, 0) | The ID of the user in LearnUpon that is linked to this contact. |
Standard Object: User - Custom Fields (15)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Create in LearnUpon | Checkbox | Checkbox which can be implemented alongside the Create in LearnUpon Flow Salesforce Flow to automate creation in LearnUpon. |
LU Field 1 | Date/Time | Not yet implemented. |
LU Field 2 | Long Text Area(32768) | Not yet implemented. |
LU Field 3 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
LU Field 4 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
LU Field 5 | Number(18, 0) | Not yet implemented. |
LU Last Accessed At | Date/Time | Date/time the user last accessed LearnUpon. |
LU Number Completed | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the user has completed. |
LU Number Enrolled | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the user is enrolled onto. |
LU Number Failed | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the user has failed. |
LU Number In Progress | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses that the user has in progress. |
LU Number Not Started | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the user has not yet started. |
LU Number Passed | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the user passed. |
LU Number Pending Review | Number(18, 0) | Number of courses the user has pending. |
LU User ID | Number(18, 0) | The ID of the user in LearnUpon that is linked to this user. |
Custom Settings (2)
Name | Purpose |
LearnUpon | Custom settings which allow the admin to further control the height, width, colors of the app within Salesforce along with controlling API call log creation using System Mode versus regular Sharing. |
LearnUpon API Information | Protected custom setting which stores the API information for the LearnUpon portals connected. Access to this setting's data is only available within the page "LearnUpon API Setup". |
Custom Setting: LearnUpon - Fields (11)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Brand Background Color | Text(10) | Allows the admin to set the color of the top section of the page to match your portal brand. |
Browser Title | Text(50) | Allows the admin to change the browser title of the app. This is mainly significant for white-labelled portals. |
Button Color | Text(12) | The color of the Salesforce Home button. Use hex values to set this color. |
Button Redirect URL | Text(255) | By default the LearnUpon app redirects to '/home/home.jsp' but this setting lets you change the destination URL. |
Button Text Color | Text(12) | The color of the Salesforce Home button text. Use hex values to set this color. |
Create API call logs using System Mode | Checkbox | This setting allows admins to allow creation of LearnUpon API Call Logs using "without sharing". |
Page Height | Text(10) | Default height is 100%, unless you enable the "Show Salesforce Header" setting. |
Page Width | Text(10) | Default width is 100%, change using this setting. |
Portal Selector | Text(50) | Designed to allow an admin to determine the portal to send a learner to when they access LearnUpon via Salesforce. |
SF Home Button Title | Text(30) | Default is Salesforce Home. Change this title to support your training portal name. |
Show Salesforce Header | Checkbox | This option controls the main Salesforce header within Salesforce Classic. |
Custom Setting: LearnUpon API Information (Protected) - Fields (5)
Name | Type | Purpose |
Client Key | Text(50) | The API username. |
Connection Verified | Checkbox | Checkbox noting whether the connection was successful. |
Consumer Secret | Text(50) | The API password. |
Portal Id | Number(18, 0) (Unique) | The unique Id for the connected LearnUpon portal. |
Portal Name | Text(50) | The subdomain name for the connected LearnUpon portal. |
Permission Sets (2)
Name | Purpose |
LearnUpon | Permission set to allow the admin to provide access to the Connected App instead of by profiles. |
LearnUpon API Admin Setup | Permission set to provide an admin access to the LearnUpon API Setup Visualforce page. |
Connected Apps (1)
Name | Purpose |
LearnUpon | This application. |
Visualforce (4)
Name | Purpose |
LearnUpon | The page which loads the learnupon visualforce component. |
learnupon | The component which loads the LearnUpon application within both the LearnUpon and LearnUpon_Training_Widget Visualforce pages. |
LearnUponApiSetup | The main page for setting up the API connection to LearnUpon. This allows you to perform automated calls by leveraging Salesforce Flow and our out of the box Apex Classes. |
LearnUponApiSetupAboutModal | The component for the "what is this?" modal, available within the LearnUpon API Setup page. |
LearnUponApiSetupEmptyState | The component for the initial empty state, available within the LearnUpon API Setup page. |
LearnUpon_Training_Widget | The page for displaying the training related to a selected contact within a widget. This widget also supports showing training for a contact where they are a user in multiple portals via a dropdown portal selection. |
Apex Classes (15)
Name | Purpose |
learnUponAPICalloutService | Main apex class for making API calls out to LearnUpon. |
learnUponAPIWebService | Deprecated. No longer in use. |
learnUponApiSetupHelper | Apex class for setting up the API connections and storing the credentials in Salesforce. |
learnUponApiSetupHelperTest | Test class for the above apex class. |
learnUponCalloutMockClass | Mock callout class for use within this app's test classes. |
learnUponCanvasAppLifecycleClass | Not in use. |
learnUponCanvasAppLifecycleClassTest | Not in use. |
learnUponCreateNewEnrollmentHelper | Invocable method for creating a new enrollment in LearnUpon, available within Salesforce Flow as "Create Enrollment in LearnUpon". |
learnUponCreateNewGroupHelper | Invocable method for creating a new group in LearnUpon, available within Salesforce Flow as "Create a Group in LearnUpon". |
learnUponCreateNewLPEnrollmentHelper | Invocable method for creating a new learning path enrollment in LearnUpon, available within Salesforce Flow as "Create Learning Path Enrollment in LearnUpon". |
learnUponCreateNewPortalInviteHelper | Invocable method for creating a new portal invite in LearnUpon, available within Salesforce Flow as "Create Portal Invite to LearnUpon". |
learnUponCreateNewUserHelper | Invocable method for creating a new user in LearnUpon, available within Salesforce Flow as "Create User in LearnUpon". |
learnUponExtensionHelper | Apex class for the main app which sets the preferences within the custom setting "LearnUpon". |
learnUponExtensionHelperTest | Test class for the above apex class. |
learnUponInvocableMethodTest | Test class for all of the invocable method classes and the API web service class. |
learnUponNewGroupAssignmentHelper | Invocable method for creating a new group membership assignment in LearnUpon, available within Salesforce Flow as "Create Group Membership in LearnUpon". |
Flows (2)
Name | Purpose |
Create Contact in LearnUpon Template | Template, available in Salesforce Flow, which allows quick creation of Salesforce Contacts in LearnUpon based off custom actions of your choosing. |
Create User in LearnUpon Template | Template, available in Salesforce Flow, which allows quick creation of Salesforce Users in LearnUpon based off custom actions of your choosing. |
Resources (1)
Name | Purpose |
learnUponAPISetupPageCSS | Stylesheet for the page - LearnUpon API Setup. |
LearnUponMainCSS | Main stylesheet used within the LearnUpon application and Training Widget pages. |