Learn the 4 broad user types and their permissions within LearnUpon. This collection provides a reference for what different user types can and can't access in a portal.
These user types are available to all customers.
Every account in a portal has a user type, which determines their permissions within the portal. User types define:
- what users see in their interface: a learner's view is different from a manager's view
- what features users can access
- which permissions users have by default
- which optional permissions are available to specific user types
You set the user type when you create or invite users to the portal. See Add users to your portal.
Learners hold the basic permissions required to log in to LearnUpon, and to take courses.
See: User types and permissions: learners.
Instructors are users who lead courses. They hold the same permissions as learners, plus permissions to manage course details.
See: User types and permissions: instructors.
Managers are users who can access some learner account information. The account information lets them manage enrollments, and run reports.
Tip: The term manager in LearnUpon applies to a user who manages a group within the portal. These users have specific permissions associated with the group they manage. The manager user type is not inherently linked to management roles within your organization.
See: User types and permissions: managers.
Administrators are users with full permissions and access to the application for their portal.