Overbook makes enrollments easy, and can track session demand
Event overbook for Live Learning events lets you enroll learners to courses containing Live Learning events before you add the sessions.
It also lets you publish a course to gauge interest in a course topic. Your enrollments can tell you how many sessions to set up to meet your learners' needs.
Availability: all customers
For existing customers: your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or the support team adds Live Learning to your portal.
See Live Learning: overview and features for background about Live Learning.
The Event overbook option lets you plan future sessions, manage cancellations and prevent fully-booked sessions from blocking course enrollments.
For courses with a lot of attendees, turn on Event overbook to find out how many attendees are waiting for a cancellation.
If you do not use the event overbook: once the seats in available sessions are full, you can’t enroll any more learners on the associated courses.
Note: consider setting up events without event overbook if your session capacity is limited, and you can’t increase the number of sessions.
You can’t set a limit on overbook numbers. After turning on Event overbook for an event, all the learners who sign up, or are enrolled appear in the Unregistered learners list.
How event overbook works in Live Learning
When an admin or event owner creates a Live Learning event, they can turn on Event overbook. The option is available at the event level, rather than being a course setting or a session setting.
By default, Event overbook is turned off: you need to turn it on to use it for your event.
See Live Learning: create and edit a learning event for instructions.
When you, as admin or event owner, enroll a learner onto a course with an event, LearnUpon checks for session availability, including:
- are there sessions set in the future?
- do those sessions have capacity?
If a session is available immediately, LearnUpon can enroll the learner.
If no sessions are available, and your event has has Event overbook on, then LearnUpon can enroll the learner in the course. The learner appears on the Unregistered learners list in Live Learning, to wait for new sessions.
When sessions become available LearnUpon adds learners according to the settings in the event:
- automatic registration - enrolls learners in the first available sessions
- manual registration by admin
- self-registration by learners
You can offer both manual options at the same time. You can't offer automatic and manual registration at the same time.
If no sessions are available, and the event has Event overbook turned off, then LearnUpon can't enroll the learner in the course, and generates an error during the enrollment process.
The following screenshot is an example of an event that offers manual registration and self-registration, and has Event overbook turned on.
You need to turn on Live Learning for your portal. See Live Learning and Instructor Led Training (ILT): overview and initial setup.
For existing customers: your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or the support team adds Live Learning to your portal.
The Live Learning is separate from LearnUpon's legacy ILT features.
Access permissions to create and edit Live Learning events
- all admins: can create and edit events in Live Learning
- instructors with permissions turned on: can create and edit events in Live Learning
- managers with instructor permissions: can create and edit events in Live Learning
Add event overbook to an event
See Live Learning: create and edit a learning event, where the overbook option is part of creating an event.
After you create the event, you:
- add it to a course. See Live Learning: add an event to a course
- publish the course. See Publish a course
- create sessions for the event. See Live Learning: create and edit sessions
Note: using Live Learning you can add sessions before or after publishing a course, without republishing the course.