Create a basic report for SCORM and xAPI (Tin Can) modules. Learn what data goes into these reports.
Availability: all customers
Reports about interactive content modules: overview
SCORM modules and xAPI (Tin Can) modules provide interactive content for your courses.
As learners progress through these modules LearnUpon checks and collects default data automatically about learner progression and any exam results. You can set up reports to:
- record this default data
- run the reports on a schedule
Reviewing these reports can tell you if your learners are struggling with one area of the course content. For example: if a large proportion of your learners fail a particular question, consider if the content is clear enough, or if the question needs rewording.
SCORM modules
LearnUpon collects default data on SCORM v 1.2 modules, to track and report results of your learners' performance.
See SCORM and xAPI (Tin Can): overview for a list of the data tracked in SCORM modules. Some data are internal, for progress tracking only.
To track any SCORM data outside this default set: consider custom development with the SCORM API.
The SCORM interaction report includes the following fields by default:
- Exam
- Pass Mark
- Question
- Correct Answer
- First Name
- Last Name
- Answer Chosen
- Correct Choice?
- Score
- Date
- # Launches
- # Attempts
- Time Taken (Module)
- Time Taken (Interaction/Question)
For SCORM reports, you can download the report as graphs in PDF format, or as transcript in CSV format.
Note: your modules need these data settings configured correctly so that LearnUpon can collect the relevant data. If your modules don’t use these data, the report shows null results. Discuss these requirements with your content designer or provider.
xAPI (Tin Can) modules
LearnUpon’s xAPI reporting covers exam interactions with a default set of data that it tracks automatically.
To track all the interactions that an xAPI can send, you need to set up an LRS integration with LearnUpon. LearnUpon can send statements to an LRS, even if LearnUpon doesn’t report on that data.
See Add Tin Can (xAPI) content to modules > Set up LRS integration for Tin Can modules.
The Tin Can Exams/Interactions report includes the following fields by default:
- Exam
- Question
- Type
- Correct Answer
- First Name
- Last Name
- Answer Chosen
- Exam Score
- Exam Status
- Question Score
- Correct Answer (Yes/No)
- Date
- # Launches
- # Attempts
- Time Taken (Module)
- Time Taken (Interaction/Question)
For Tin Can Exams/Interactions reports, you can download the report graphs in PDF format, or as transcript in CSV format. If the module doesn’t track a given piece of data, the field remains blank.
Note: your modules need these data settings configured correctly so that LearnUpon can collect the relevant data. If your modules don’t use these data, the report shows null results. Discuss these requirements with your content designer or provider.
Run a SCORM Exams/Interactions report
- From primary navigation, select Reports > + Create report.
- From Basic Reports, select SCORM Exams/Interactions.
- From Filters select entries for the following fields:
- Output Format
- Course
- User Status
- User Type
- Date From and Date To
- Groups
- Membership Types, if in use
- If you use custom user data, select the entries for the fields you use, as required.
- Select Run Report.
Run a Tin Can Exams/Interactions report
- From primary navigation, select Reports > + Create report.
- From Basic Reports, select Tin Can Exams/Interactions.
- From Filters select entries for the following fields:
- Course
- User
- User Status
- User Type
- Date From and Date To
- Groups
- Membership Types, if in use
- If you use custom user data, select the entries for the fields you use, as required.
- Select Run Report.
Next steps: refine and schedule reports and export results
After running one of these report types once, you can:
- edit the filters to change the results, and select Run Report to repeat the run
- select Reset Filters to start over
- select Export to CSV or Export to PDF to download a complete report
- select Schedule to run the report daily, weekly or monthly