Enter text, images and links for course content
The rich text editor, called CK Editor, uses HTML.
Availability: all customers
CK Editor: overview
You use the rich text editor to create text-based content for courses, and to:
- add a description to your store (eCommerce)
- create a multimedia banner
- create a new dashboard panel
- submit or grade an assignment
- edit your email templates
- create titles and descriptions of courses, modules, live learning events and sessions
When you create a course: after you save its title and description, you build the content using modules and segments. When you add a new segment, the application opens the rich text editor.
Tip: The rich text editor uses HTML to format your content. Select Source in the editor to view the HTML version, and edit HTML directly.
You can enlarge the editor screen 1 of 2 ways:
- select Maximize in the editor to switch to a full editor screen
- select and drag the triangle which enlarges the text area
Create text content
You can write and edit content in the rich text editor, using standard formatting tools including:
- default paragraph and heading levels
- fonts, and font sizes
- text and background color
- bold
- underline
- italic
- superscript and subscript
- numbered lists
- bullet points
- left, center, right align or justify text
Note: For consistency of performance and display, the CK editor removes emoji codes when you save text content.
The advanced formatting features in the editor include:
- copy and paste from Word
- insert an external link (URL)
- upload an image
- embed external media
- set up a table
Tip: By default, the first line of text in the segment becomes the title for the segment. Use this feature to insert headings, to break up your content into "chunks".
Copy and paste from Word
The rich text editor menu bar lets you paste content from other sources. You can paste content as-is, paste as plain text, and paste from Microsoft Word. These controls remove extra formatting codes, so your content formatting within the segment stays consistent.
To copy and paste from Microsoft Word documents:
- Copy the text from your Word document: select the text, and on your keyboard press Control+C (Command+C on Mac).
- From the editor select Paste from Word.
- In the Paste from Word dialog, paste the text: press Control+V (Command+V on Mac).
- Select OK to finish.
Insert content with an external link (URL)
Link to content like presentations and documents, which you publish on cloud applications like Google Drive, Sharepoint and Office365. Your external content must be published to the internet, and shareable.
To add a link, which opens to a new site:
- Select the text to make into a link: a phrase in your paragraph, or the name of the site.
- Select the Link icon.
- In the Link dialog, on the first tab, enter the destination URL.
- Optional: on the second tab, in the Target dropdown, select New Window. This option means the link opens in a new browser window, rather than opening in the middle of the course.
- Select OK to finish.
Upload an image
To add an image to your segment, from your own computer:
- Position the cursor in your document.
- Select the Image icon.
- In the Image dialog, select Upload Image.
- Choose an image from your own computer and select OK (Open on a Mac) to confirm.
- Select Save to confirm the image choice.
Embed external media
Embedding media means the content appears within the module, without going through a link.
See Embed videos and other external media for detailed instructions about handling external content. Successful sharing is subject to the access options set by your system administrator.
To add a link to media that is hosted externally, like YouTube or Vimeo:
- In the external site, select Share > Embed. Select and copy the code provided.
- In the rich text editor, position the cursor in your document.
- Select the Embed Media icon.
- In the Media dialog, paste the embedding code in the field.
- Select OK to finish.
Set up a table
To create a new table in the rich text editor:
- Position the cursor in your segment.
- Select the table icon.
- In the Table Properties dialog, choose options to set:
- Rows: number of rows in the table
- Columns: number of columns in the table
- Headers: set a header row or column
- Border size: default is 1 pixel
- Alignment: left, center or right alignment for cell contents
- Caption: appears centered above the table
- Summary: explains the table's contents to learners who use screen readers
- Width: total width of the table - for LearnUpon content, the max width is 600 pixels
- Height: total height of the table - leave blank to use a default setting
- Cell spacing: space between cells, in pixels
- Cell padding: space between cell text and cell border
- Advanced > Id: specify an ID to apply to this table
- Advanced > Stylesheet Classes: enter responsive-table to make the table adapt to small screens, like on tablets and phones
- Advanced > Language Direction: right or left align the text within a table
- Advanced > Style: add more HTML style codes if required
- Select OK to finish.
Tip: you can copy and paste existing tables from Microsoft Word, using the Paste from Word feature. Be aware that you may lose your original color choices, and some font styles.
- Modules and segments for background on how these components make up a course
- Create a text and image module for instructions on using CK Editor to create a module