Required settings and steps to connect Degreed to your portal, so learners can log in smoothly and access courses from either Degreed or LearnUpon.
The integration with Degreed is an Enterprise feature.
See LearnUpon and Degreed partnership for an overview.
Speak to your Customer Success Manager about moving to an Enterprise plan, and integrating with Degreed.
Setup and testing
Before setting up your portal for integrations, you discuss all the available options with your LearnUpon CSM and Degreed Technical Implementation Consultant (TIC), to work out which arrangement suits your organization’s needs best.
The joint implementation process includes a detailed testing plan, to confirm that the integrations work correctly.
During setup, you add an admin account for the Degreed TIC, to provide them required access.
The Degreed TIC helps set up SAML SSO, the LearnUpon API keys, the webhooks destination in your portal, and advises about configuring flat files for user uploads.
You can delete this account at an agreed date after your successful launch with LearnUpon and Degreed.
Required LearnUpon features
To integrate with Degreed, your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager confirms you have the portal features you need to integrate with Degreed. If you haven’t used them yet, they’ll help you set up.
The required features include:
- custom course data - see Custom course data: set up custom fields about courses
- API access, and creating an API key - see Use the LearnUpon API
- Webhooks – see Set up LearnUpon's webhooks
- SAML SSO - see Set up SAML SSO for your portal
- internal catalog - see Add courses and learning paths to the catalog
- white-labelling, if required - see White-label your portal with a custom URL
Using LearnUpon's SSO with Degreed: setup tips
When SSO is up and running on the LearnUpon portal, every login attempt redirects through Degreed SSO.
To reach the LearnUpon portal directly, use
When SSO is active, make sure you turn off the Must change password setting in LearnUpon before adding learners. The goal is to let learners log in with their Degreed email and password, rather than force them to change their Degreed password for access to LearnUpon.
See Upload users by batch CSV file for background.
LearnUpon portal setup options
Some organizations may provide training through their LearnUpon portal directly, rather than accessing through Degreed. Typical scenarios include:
- organizations that train contractors and temporary staff
- organizations that hire external trainers to lead LearnUpon courses
For these scenarios LearnUpon recommends 1 of 2 options to discuss with your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager.
Set up a sub-portal for direct LearnUpon access
A dedicated sub-portal can provide training and access to courses, without access to Degreed. The portal can include SSO to let learners log in smoothly with their existing organization credentials.
As admin you can use batch user upload or the API to create users in the sub-portal.
See: Create and manage sub-portals.
Create a group in the existing portal
With a group you can use SQSSO to let learners log in with existing credentials.
As admin you can use batch upload or the API to create users.
See: Set up SQSSO for your portal
Note: this option can’t use SAML to manage a seamless login for learners. LearnUpon supports only 1 SAML instance per portal, and the Degreed login uses that instance.
Degreed options around LearnUpon as a provider
When setting up the integration between Degreed and LU, organizations can choose if they house LearnUpon as an internal provider or as a separate provider.
The main distinction is that housing LearnUpon internally makes the LearnUpon course catalog appear within the Degreed catalog.
When LearnUpon is an internal provider:
- you can restrict LearnUpon content to specific groups, using Degreed - effectively, hide courses from general access
- you can’t report on LearnUpon as a provider: LearnUpon appears as internal on Degreed reports
When LearnUpon is an external provider to Degreed:
- you can report on LearnUpon content separately from internal content
- all LearnUpon courses are visible within Degreed - you can’t restrict them using Degreed’s groups functionality
- you can restrict access to content through LearnUpon’s groups functionality. Degreed learners can view the courses, but can’t enroll in them.
This partial access can cause frustration to learners: consider your organization's needs and discuss with your Customer Success Manager and Degreed TIC for advice.