Import and run Go1 courses in your portal
LearnUpon lets you offer Go1 courses to learners through your portal. Go1 offers thousands of ready-made SCORM-based courses for training staff, customers and partners.
Set up an account, select courses from Go1, and make them available in LearnUpon.
Availability: all customers who use Go1 for course content
If your organization is not yet a Go1 customer, speak to your Customer Success Manager.
Learn more about Go1: LearnUpon is not responsible for content outside this website.
Note: This integration's use, including handling of personal identifiable information, is governed by your organization’s agreement with Go1.
Go1 content and LearnUpon: overview
When you set up the Go1 integration in LearnUpon, you gain access to the Go1 Content Hub.
From the Content Hub, you use search terms and filters, to select the courses for your organization, and Import to your portal.
The courses appear in your LearnUpon portal in Courses, in Draft status. The courses include whatever content was in Go1, like course description, keywords, thumbnail and course images.
The SCORM modules also appear in your portal Library. You can add them directly to other LearnUpon courses.
You decide how to use the course content, when you set the course details from Courses > my course > Info.
Go1 holds the content
Go1 offers access to ready-made SCORM content so you can build courses and publish them quickly.
The SCORM content is hosted by Go1. Learners access the course content through an iFrame in their LearnUpon portal. Any interactions within the course like voting, responding to questions, or flagging go to Go1.
When the learner closes the SCORM, LearnUpon receives the lmsFinish
SCORM response which tells LearnUpon whether the module is In Progress, or is Complete.
If the course content changes in Go1, the updates are available immediately in your course in LearnUpon.
If Go1 decommissions a course, the course owner gets 60 days notice by email. The notification lists the course name, any additional courses which use the SCORM module, and any learning paths that include the course. LearnUpon advises admins to:
- unenroll any learners with Not Started status
- encourage learners with In Progress statuses to complete the course as soon as possible
Working with Go1 courses
The admin who synchronizes the courses is listed as course owner.
Once the course is available in LearnUpon, you can treat it like any other course, with the same permissions requirements. For a manager to enroll learners in a Go1 course, you need to:
- let the manager’s account enroll learners - see Managers: set permissions to manage groups
- set the course-level permissions to let managers enroll - see Courses: Additional Settings to manage learners' access to a course
For instructors to enroll learners in a Go1 course, instructors must be either the course owner, or an instructor on the Go1 course. See Users: create an instructor, and assign them to a course.
You can change the course owner, if required. See Courses: Additional Settings to manage learners' access to a course.
You can add more modules to the course, like a branded intro module, an additional exam or quiz, or a survey to finish the course.
You can add Go1 courses to learning paths in LearnUpon.
The content remains in Go1: learners access this content within the LearnUpon portal, and proceed through the module. You can’t edit the Go1 content.
Statuses of Go1 courses
Go1 provides course statuses of Not Started, In Progress, and Completed by default.
When learners complete a scoring course, LearnUpon records their course as Passed, and provides any score from the SCORM module.
Note: Go1 does not currently support a SCORM interactions report for its courses.
Access permissions
The LearnUpon admin who sets up the integration requires a Go1 administrator account. During first-time setup, an admin authorizes the integration to give Go1 access to your portal.
Only LearnUpon admins with full portal permissions can set up Go1, and import courses from Go1 to your portal.
Go1 documentation for reference
See Go1's own documentation online about their features.
LearnUpon is not responsible for content off this website.
- User roles and permissions defined
- How to search for learning on your Go1 platform
- Go1: preview learning