LearnUpon's advanced question editing lets you use HTML in exam answer options, and track the results of individual exam questions.
This feature is available to all customers on request.
Contact your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager to get this feature turned on in your portal.
See Exams: question types overview and Exams: create and edit a question pool for background about the contents of exams.
By default, LearnUpon provides CK Editor to format the exam questions, using rich text format options including HTML.
The answers to exam questions appear in plain text.
Advanced question editing provides 2 additional features to exams, compared to the default exam editor:
- the CK Editor lets you edit and format exam answer options with embedded images, videos, links and HTML. See Use the rich text editor
- the Question Ref Code field lets you number individual exam questions. This optional field appears in your downloaded exam questions. See Exams: download a question pool
With advanced question editing, you can provide formatted overall feedback for the question. You can't provide feedback for each answer option.
You can tell if this feature is turned on by viewing an exam question.
The following screenshot shows a question using the default editing options, with the feedback options highlighted. The question doesn't have a reference code field. You can enter separate feedback or no feedback for each answer, in plain text.
The same question looks different in a portal that has enhanced question editing turned on.
The following screenshot highlights Question Ref Code as a field for the question.
In the following screenshot you see the feedback options are different, with a single Overall Feedback (highlighted) for the question, rather than feedback options for each possible answer.
When you select the icon for Overall Feedback, the CK Editor opens so you can enter a formatted answer.
The next screenshot shows the CK Editor.
Tip: the Overall Feedback field doesn't show its contents from the question editing page. It looks blank. If you selected Save from the CK Editor, it has your feedback content inside.
Downloading question pools to CSV files
Another distinction between the default editor and advanced question editing options is the contents of the question pool downloads. See Exams: download a question pool for the how-to instructions.
For the default editor: the columns for Question Ref. Code and Overall Feedback don't appear in the export.
For advanced question editing: the Question Ref Code and Overall Feedback columns contain your entries.
Advanced question editing and moving pools from other systems
You can move question pools from other learning software to LearnUpon, following the migration guide. See Migration guide: move your exam questions to LearnUpon.
Note: even with advanced question editing turned on in your destination portal, the migration process strips existing HTML formatting from your answers. The questions arrive in LearnUpon pools as plain text, and don't include any feedback.
Add advanced question editing in sub-portals
Advanced question editing is one of the features a sub-portal inherits from the top-level portal when you create a new portal. If it's turned on in the top-level portal, the sub-portals you create at that time have advanced question editing.
If you ask Support to turn off the setting in the top-level portal, the sub-portal retains its advanced question editing. It doesn't change to match the top-level.
If you need advanced question editing in a sub-portal only, contact your your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager.