Review and score or reject an assignment
Instructors can review assignments that learners submit to assign grades or provide feedback. They can also reject assignments if they want learners to resubmit their work.
Availability: all customers
Feedback options
Feedback can be in form of a scoring grade, or comments.
The assignment module allows you to reject an assignment, or to assign a failing grade as part of your review.
When you reject an assignment, learners can resubmit the assignment, and get a notification about their assignment.
When you assign a failing grade, the learner cannot resubmit the assignment, and you need to re-enroll the learner to repeat the course.
Access permissions for assignments
- all admins: can create and edit courses without restrictions
- instructors with permissions turned on: can create and edit course content
- managers with instructor permissions: can create and edit course content
Review an assignment and provide feedback
For instructors receiving multiple assignments: you can filter assignments by submission date, completed date, or learner name. The following screenshot shows the filter for multiple assignments.
When a learner uploads an assignment, the instructor gets an email notification. As instructor:
- Log in to the portal: the notification provides a link to the learner's assignment.
- Select the assignment's Pending Review.
- Select the Feedback tab, to comment on the assignment, or upload additional resources.
- Optional: Save the assignment to add feedback later.
- When your comments are complete, select Submit Feedback.
- In the confirmation dialog that opens, select Yes.
When you submit feedback, you can
- let LearnUpon set the assignment status to completed
- manually set a score and course status for the learner
Reject an assignment
From the assignment's Feedback tab, you can select Reject to return the assignment to the learner.
For rejected assignments, LearnUpon
- sets the learner's course status to In Progress
- sets the learner's enrollment status within the course to Pending Review
- sends an automessage informing them that their assignment was reviewed
- adds a note to the learner's dashboard, next to the course: Course Contains Rejected Assignment
The learner can review any feedback, and resubmit the assignment.
- Assignments: create an assignment for a course
- Courses: allow learners to create videos for assignments
- Learner view: record a video for an assignment