Add learners automatically using Paycor data
Connect Paycor to LearnUpon, and map default Paycor attributes to LearnUpon custom user data to create dynamic rules.
Availability: depends on your LearnUpon plan
Contact your Customer Success Manager or Implementation Consultant to discuss.
If you use Paycor to manage your HR records, you can integrate it with LearnUpon. Paycor provides account information to set up learners' portal accounts automatically.
Learn more about Paycor: LearnUpon is not responsible for content outside this website.
Paycor and LearnUpon: overview
Connect your organization’s HR records to your learning portal
The integration works in one direction, sending user details from Paycor to LearnUpon: Paycor provides the single source of truth of learner details.
Paycor provides default employee attributes from the following information types:
- first name
- last name
Using default attributes, LearnUpon creates learner accounts in your portal. You can add more attributes from Paycor, by mapping attributes to LearnUpon custom user data fields.
Learners receive a unique link to the email address provided: the link expires after 72 hours.
- for invites, learners receive a randomly generated password. They must change the password when they log in
- for created accounts learners must set a password at login
Note: by default, LearnUpon creates all new accounts as learners. After you create accounts, you need to edit some accounts to change their user type from learner to manager, instructor or admin.
For organizations that use SSO, LearnUpon creates learner accounts from Paycor data but does not send a conventional email notification. Through SSO credentials, learners already have their login details, and don't need to set a new password.
See: Set up SAML SSO for your portal
LearnUpon checks Paycor for new user details once a day to synchronize portal records to Paycor. Optionally, the admin can start a sync manually from LearnUpon.
If a learner’s first name, last name or email address change in Paycor, LearnUpon updates its version, but doesn’t send a new invitation.
If learners leave your organization, LearnUpon ends their access to the portal based on the termination date in Paycor.
Tip: any changes you make in Paycor can be manually synced an hour after the changes occur.
Admins can track invite progress in the portal the same way they track manual learner invites. In LearnUpon terms, invites that are not batch user uploads, or created through the API, are treated as manual.
From main navigation, go to Users > Pending Users for a current list of invites waiting for a response.
You can also export users to a CSV file, to view invite dates and all other user account information. See Users: download all user data in a portal.
Once synchronized, you can see learners provided by Paycor in your LearnUpon portal, marked by a Paycor logo.
Paycor status and learner invitations
For Paycor's employee status field: if the status is inactive
, LearnUpon does not synchronize the learner, and does not send them an invite to LearnUpon.
Handle existing learners in the LearnUpon portal
LearnUpon treats Paycor as the source of truth about learner details.
After setup, the integration “fetches” all the learners from Paycor based on their email addresses, to map them in LearnUpon, including updating the custom user data for existing portal accounts.
Map your data: connect Paycor fields to LearnUpon custom user data
Use attributes from Paycor to fill out custom user data fields in LearnUpon. LearnUpon’s custom user data runs the dynamic rules to add learners to groups.
Note: for custom user data fields that use choice, aka drop-down fields, the drop-down values available must match exactly between Paycor and LearnUpon. If they don’t match, Paycor can’t send the correct value to LearnUpon.
When you use the following field types in custom user data, make sure the values are identical to the corresponding field in Paycor:
- String choice
- Decimal choice
- Integer choice
See: Custom user data: set up custom fields
When you create groups, you can set up courses to enroll learners automatically as soon as they join a group.
Access permissions
- Admins with full portal permissions: can set up the feature
The integration is available for top-level and sub-portals.
Note: each portal requires a separate Paycor instance.
The LearnUpon admin who sets up the integration requires access to a Paycor username and password and appropriate permissions in Paycor. During setup the admin gives consent for LearnUpon and Paycor to connect to each other.
In Paycor: find your company ID
- appropriate username and password, with access to Paycor AppCreator
See instructions about logging in to your Paycor portal and finding the company ID.
In LearnUpon: set up groups, custom user data and dynamic rules
To make the most of the integration, you need groups and dynamic rules set up, based on LearnUpon custom user data. See:
- Create groups, and assign users to groups
- Custom user data: set up custom fields
- Dynamic rules: group users by their email domain, creation date or custom user data
Add Paycor to your portal: first-time setup
Your Customer Success Manager or the support team turn on the integration for your portal. You as admin set it up for your organization.
- From main navigation go to Settings > Integrations > HR Integrations.
- Select Paycor.
- From Paycor page, select + Connect.
- In the Paycor dialog that opens, select Continue to access Paycor from LearnUpon.
- In the Paycor dialog that opens, enter the following credentials and select Submit to continue:
- Paycor account
- Paycor Company ID
- Review the data that LearnUpon can now receive from Paycor and select Continue.
- Select Finish.
On HR Integrations, the integration appears as Active.
Map your data from v to LearnUpon
The integration uses standardized field names to make connecting between applications easier. The listed attributes for Paycor may vary slightly from what you see in Paycor pages.
Note: for custom user data fields that use choice, aka drop-down fields, the drop-down values available must match exactly between Paycor and LearnUpon. If they don’t match, Paycor can’t send the correct value to LearnUpon.
- From main navigation go to Settings > HR integrations.
- Select Paycor.
- From the main page select Map your data > Add new mapping.
- From Select attribute field, select a Paycor attribute name.
- From Select CUD field, select a LearnUpon custom user data field to match.
- When required:
- repeat these steps to create as many fields as you need
- select X next to a row to remove a connection
- Save changes to finish.
Set defaults to add Paycor learners
This process sets the default behavior for the integration, to add accounts from Paycor. These settings apply during the daily synchronization, or when you run a manual sync.
- From main navigation go to Settings > HR integrations.
- Select Paycor.
- Select Invite configuration.
- From When do you want to invite them? select 1 of:
- When they are added to Paycor
- On their hiring date
- From How to add new users? select 1 of:
- Create as an active user and send a welcome email
- Create as active user only
- Create as pending user and send invitation email
- Save changes to finish.
Synchronize between LearnUpon and Paycor
A sync prompts Paycor to add learners, based on settings in Invite configuration. After the first sync, LearnUpon synchronizes its records with Paycor once per day automatically.
You can sync manually once per hour, as required: for example, if you add a number of new accounts to Paycor, and want to see them set up in LearnUpon.
- From main navigation go to Settings > Integrations > HR Integrations.
- Select Paycor.
- Select Sync.
This process takes a short time depending on the number of accounts.
Confirm the sync worked:
- for created accounts, go to Settings > Users and filter for users created after the selected date
- for invited accounts go to Settings > Users. From secondary navigation select Pending Users to view the progress of invites
Remove Paycor from your portal
- From main navigation go to Settings > Integrations > HR Integrations.
- Select Paycor.
- From Paycor, select Disconnect.
- In the dialog that opens, select Disconnect to confirm.