Connect more than one LearnUpon portal to BambooHR
Create and invite learners based on BambooHR data.
Availability: all customers
If you use BambooHR to manage your HR records, you can integrate BambooHR with more than 1 LearnUpon portal in a realm. BambooHR provides account information to set up learners' portal accounts automatically.
Learn more about BambooHR: LearnUpon is not responsible for content outside this website.
See BambooHR: set up and manage BambooHR in LearnUpon for background about initial setup.
Create and invite BambooHR accounts in multiple portals
Create or invite learners in multiple portals within a realm, using BambooHR data. LearnUpon treats BambooHR as the source of truth for accounts, and synchronizes LearnUpon accounts when BambooHR’s account details change.
Default LearnUpon option: invite learners to additional portals
By default, LearnUpon doesn’t let you create a learner in 2 portals, using the same unique identifier (email or username). You can invite a learner to a second or additional portal, where the learner must confirm joining an additional portal by selecting the link they receive by email.
Change the default: allow user creation if user already exists
To create accounts in multiple portals using the same unique identifier, you must turn on Allow user creation if user already exists in your portal's Settings > User > General options.
See the following screenshot with this setting highlighted.
Without this setting, LearnUpon’s default behavior is to allow a single account per email or username, to prevent mistakes through duplicate accounts.
Before adding learners from BambooHR to multiple portals:
- set up sub-portals. See Create and manage sub-portals
- set up BambooHR integration in each sub-portal, as required. See BambooHR: set up and manage BambooHR in LearnUpon
- review how LearnUpon adds accounts to more than 1 portal. Sub-portals: adding users to more than 1 portal
Access permissions
- Top-level admins with full portal permissions: can set up the integration. Requires an admin account with BambooHR
Connect BambooHR to multiple portals
- On the top-level portal: confirm you allow user creation if user already exists. See Portal setup: users' general settings for details:
- from main navigation go to Settings > Users
- from User account settings, select Allow user creation if user already exists
- Save
- On the sub-portal: create or invite learners from BambooHR:
- from main navigation go to Settings > Integrations > HR Integrations
- select BambooHR
- select Invite Configuration
- configure the invite following instructions from BambooHR: set up and manage BambooHR in LearnUpon > Set defaults to create or invite BambooHR learners
- Confirm new accounts in the sub-portal:
- for created accounts, go to Settings > Users and filter for users created after the current date
- for invited accounts go to Settings > Users. From secondary navigation select Pending Users to view the progress of invites
- Knowledge Base category Human resources (HRIS) integrations
- Knowledge Base category Sub-portal management