Integrate LearnUpon with Cisco WebEx Training Center and WebEx Event Center accounts. Create meetings and webinars and link them to legacy Instructor Led Training (ILT) sessions on LearnUpon.
Availability: all customers
Cisco WebEx Meetings does not integrate with LearnUpon: this feature is available for Training Center and Event Center accounts only.
Connect to WebEx Training Center
Note: The steps shown use WebEx Training Center as an example, but the steps are the same for WebEx Event Center accounts.
- From main navigation, go to Settings > Integrations > Webinar Integration.
- From Add New Webinar Integration select WebEx Training Center.
- From Add Webex Training Center enter your credentials available from your WebEx administration page or WebEx account manager:
- WebEx API Subdomain
- WebEx Partner ID
- WebEx Site ID
- WebEx User ID
- WebEx Password
- Optionally: enter a default password to use on all WebEx webinars.
- Save to finish.
The following screenshot shows Add WebEx Training Center fields.
Create a legacy ILT session and connect it to WebEx Training Center
- From main navigation, go to Courses in LearnUpon and select Create New Course.
- Under the Content tab, select Add ILT Session.
- Select This session is a webinar to make Webinar Settings appear in the section below.
- Select the start and end times and set your capacity for your ILT session.
- In Webinar Settings, select the WebEx Training Center Account to connect to under the Account drop-down list if you have more than one account linked to the portal.
- In Webinar select Create a New Webinar or select an existing webinar from the Webinar dropdown list.
- Enter a name for the webinar in Webinar Title.
- To set a password select Specify from the dropdown list in Webinar Password and enter a password in Specify Webinar Password.
- If a password is not required select No Password from the dropdown list in Webinar Password or just leave the Specify Webinar Password blank.
- Save to finish.
The webinar now shows in both LearnUpon and WebEx Training Center.