Move your instructor-led training to Live Learning
Live Learning availability: all customers
Minimum attendance requirement for webinars: depends on your LearnUpon plan
LearnUpon is building the next generation of instructor-led training tools, to make scheduling, running sessions and tracking attendance a seamless experience for everyone.
When Live Learning features are finished, LearnUpon will end support for the legacy ILT and retire the feature.
As you create new content and revise your existing courses, consider starting to use Live Learning modules. Speak with your Customer Success Manager for help to plan your course changes.
To start thinking about migrating your ILTs: the following articles provide context about using ILTs as part of your courses:
- Instructor Led Training (ILT): overview and initial setup
- Live Learning: overview and features
- Live Learning: notifications overview
- Courses: course owners and module owners explained
Access permissions required to create Live Learning events and edit courses
- Admins: can create and edit events and sessions
- Instructors, with permissions turned on: can create and edit events and sessions
- Managers with instructor permissions: can create and edit events and sessions
- Users: create an instructor, and assign them to a course
- Managers: set permissions to manage groups
- Courses: course owners and module owners explained
Migrate from legacy ILTs to Live Learning events: overview
Structure changes
If your organization has used legacy ILTs, you’re used to creating a new module for each new session. This step also required re-versioning the course for every new set of sessions.
When you move to Live Learning, you create a single Live Learning event which sits in the course. Within the module, you create as many sessions (with date, time and webinar details) as you need.
For Live Learning, adding new sessions to the event does not require re-versioning the course.
The following 2 screenshots show 2 courses with similar content - a group of ILT sessions in different locations and time zones.
In legacy ILTs, where each session is a module, 6 sessions = 6 modules. For each round of training, you need to re-version the course, and create new modules.
In a course that uses Live Learning, you create a single event and can create as many sessions as you need, and do not re-version the course to add new sessions.
Plan the ILT migration: tips
When moving from legacy ILTs to Live Learning, you have 3 options to manage courses and learners. You can use a single option for all your courses, or you can use more than one to manage the different requirements in your training.
Wherever possible, you want to avoid disrupting the learning experience. If you can:
- avoid unenrolling and re-enrolling learners while they are on a course
- set course due dates - the date when learners “should” finish a course - for courses with legacy ILTs, to nudge learners to finish courses
- set course valid periods, aka expiry dates - when access to a course ends completely - to “run down” courses with legacy ILTs. After a course expires noone can view it or enroll learners onto it
- prepare courses with Live Learning modules ready to enroll new groups of learners
- inform learners about the coming session changes, and promote new courses with portal banners
See Manage course due dates and valid periods about setting due dates, valid periods, and turning off Relaunch after completion option at the course level.
Start new courses from scratch
This choice is the simplest, and has the fewest places where legacy courses can affect new courses and enrollments.
Starting from scratch is ideal when you are preparing a new training program or course that has no historical precedent.
This option doesn’t require moving current learners from one course version to another, and lets you start a new report for new courses.
Steps include:
- create new courses with Live Learning modules and new certificates
- publish
- enroll your learners
- archive the legacy courses when learners finish them
To support this approach, set a deadline for learners to finish current courses that use legacy ILTs.
See: Live Learning: add an event to a course
Start new courses by copying existing courses
LearnUpon recommends this option if your courses typically contain several other content modules, and starting from scratch is a significant task. This choice preserves your content, and avoids changing versions of an existing course. You can enroll learners in a new course at the end, and set up a new report for that course.
This method is ideal when your course structure, assessments, and non-ILT content in the course are relevant, and you only need to swap out or update ILT modules.
To keep the same content in your course, and change only the ILT modules, steps include:
- create a Live Learning event to replace the legacy ILT module
- start a new course
- copy the existing course modules, except the legacy ILT module, to the new course
- add the Live Learning event to the new course
- publish
- enroll your next group of learners
- archive the legacy courses when learners finish them
To support this approach, set a deadline for learners to finish current courses that use legacy ILTs.
Note: You can't add both legacy ILTs and Live Learning events to the same course. You need to replace the existing legacy module with an Live Learning event by either copying or re-versioning the course.
Start a new version of an existing course
This option requires the most planning and care. It’s a good choice if you have a lot of learners enrolled on courses right now, in Not Started or In Progress states, and you need to avoid unenrolling and reenrolling them.
It’s also suitable if you require strict continuity of a course to ensure learners retain qualifications, for example.
This method is ideal when you need a smooth transition for learners who have already started the course.
Steps include:
- preparing Live Learning modules to swap into existing courses
- starting a new version of a course
- removing the legacy ILT module and replacing it with Live Learning event
- publish the new version, moving Not started learners to the new version and deciding whether to move In progress learners to the new version, or let them complete the existing one
Note: You can't add both legacy and Live Learning modules to the same course. You need to replace the existing legacy module with an Live Learning event by either copying or re-versioning the course.
See: Publish a new version of a course.
When reversioning: make sure your Live Learning modules have enough capacity to hold all the learners currently on the course in Not Started and In Progress status. If you don’t create enough capacity, LearnUpon can’t transfer all your existing learners to the newest course version, and some enrollments will fail.
Tip: set up your Live Learning events with Training overbook turned on, to make sure all learners get enrolled, even if the number of sessions you can offer is uncertain.
See: Live Learning: use overbook to plan future sessions
If you do not use the overbook option: once a course's numbers are met, you can't add more learners to a course. LearnUpon stops showing the course in the internal catalog or making it available for enrollments.
Step 1. Planning: review your courses, and your organization’s training calendar
Speak with your Customer Success Manager about updating your courses with Live Learning content. Considerations include:
- current learner numbers and training plans
- current course volume
- your organization’s training calendar
- any hard deadlines for your learners, such as mandatory recertifications
Review your courses by attendance numbers so you can see how many learners are affected by a change.
Tip: use this migration as an opportunity to review your course offerings, to see if you can archive any courses. Learners' course records aren’t affected by archiving.
Step 2. Create Live Learning events with all the required training details
Note: LearnUpon recommends you create Live Learning modules first, before creating a new courses or starting a new course version.
See Live Learning: create and edit a learning event.
Optional: create the associated sessions, either in person or online, with the required dates, times and instructors.
In legacy ILT sessions, you enrolled additional instructors or moderators as participants, so they received details about the session. This step is not required in Live Learning.
In Live Learning, you can add multiple instructors to a session, and they receive session assignments notification automatically.
Step 3. Create new courses: from scratch, by copying an existing course, or by re-versioning
When you create copies or re-version, you must remove the legacy ILT modules and replace them from Live Learning.
Step 4. Preview the course and publish
Step 5. Set up a Live Learning report
LearnUpon’s advanced reports track Live Learning modules and sessions.
See Reports: create an advanced report.
Next steps: manage attendance
Currently, you need to mark attendance for all Live Learning sessions - Not required and Required - for the learner to complete the module, and progress through the course.
LearnUpon has multiple options for managing attendance:
- manually
- uploading a roster from Google Meet
- downloading a CSV to mark attendance in bulk, and upload for the session
- automatically through LearnUpon
- Live Learning: record attendance for sessions
- Live Learning: upload and download session attendance records
Archive courses with legacy ILTs
For courses you copied: archive courses to prevent new enrollments through your catalog.
See Archive a course.